DP Ruto Must Be Arrested And Charged With Corruption

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DP Ruto Must Be Arrested And Charged With Corruption

Post by msemaukweli » Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:42 am

To President Uhuru Kenyatta:

For Henry Rotich and Kamau Thugge to engage in such sophisticated corruption, as was the Arror and Kimwarer dams theft, without the international media reporting about it, they must have had help from the International Bankers. They also must have had assurances from the Deputy President, William Ruto, that he will protect them.

Consequently, most of the stolen Sh 19.7 Billion must have been “kicked up” to your deputy (like it used to be done in the Mafia, money being kicked up one level at a time till it reached the don). Therefore, Ruto is the Kenyan don.

Mr President, have you noticed how quiet the civil society is over this matter? Because their financiers - the International Bankers - have not given them the green light to condemn the Arror-Kimwarer heist.

It is very likely that the DCI and DPP have evidence that some of the stolen money went to the DP. If that is the case, then Ruto should be arrested immediately and charged with corruption.

Mr President, your DP wants your job. Now. Not in 2022. That is why he has been sabotaging your government from within. Not too long ago, he advised maize farmers - whose payments had been stolen by NCPB officials - to plant other crops.

Do you know how those farmers view your government? As corrupt, uncaring, maybe even sadist.

It is very likely that Arror-Kimwarer is not the only successful looting Rotich and Thugge have engaged in, on behalf of Ruto. Maybe they have already stolen 100 Billion or more from Kenyan taxpayers in the past 6 years.

What is known is that the DP has bribed many MPs and turned them against you. He also rigged in MPs, Senators, Governors and MCAs during Jubilee Party nominations in 2017 - people whose loyalty now is to him only.

In Central Kenya, there are many pro-Ruto politicians (the tanga tanga). All of them say their loyalty is to Ruto and Uhuru. They don’t support Uhuru directly, because their loyalty is to the DP, who rigged them in during party nominations.

From their social media and public pronouncements, it is clear that the tanga tanga don’t like you. Yet, none of these Central Kenya politicians has ever told his/her constituents that he is anti-Uhuru. Why? Because they know the voters would demand they resign their seats and seek fresh mandate from the electorate.

The Central Kenya tanga tanga know that none of them would be voted in if they opposed you directly.

Therefore, the DP is not as strong as he thinks. If he has stolen public money, as seems likely, arrest him, and let the law take its cause.

If that happened, that would be the day corruption in Kenya would become history. Every potential corrupt Kenyan would ask himself, before engaging in corruption: “If a whole DP is cooling porridge in Kamiti, who am I to take chances with corruption?”

That would be your legacy: The President who ended corruption in Kenya.

The average Kenyan is not a fool. He has seen how the DP throws money around every weekend, and knows that money must have been obtained corruptly. How can Kenyans stop engaging in corruption when they know the country’s no. 2 is morbidly corrupt?

If someone can steal so much when he is the DP, what would happen if he became the president?

The International Bankers want him to become president now. They know with him in power, they will need to only be sending his cut to his bank accounts, and they will be allowed to rape the country to their satisfaction.

The International Bankers are also motivated by the fact that they don’t like an African country to become successful. That is why they want a thief in power in Kenya.

Only you Mr President has the power to save this country from being destroyed by your greedy deputy, and his neocolonialist allies.

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DP Ruto Must Be Arrested And Charged With Corruption

Post by tana » Sun Jul 28, 2019 6:24 am

msemaukweli wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:42 am
That would be your legacy: The President who ended corruption in Kenya.
Indeed. Meanwhile:
“Central Organisation of Trade Unions (Cotu) Secretary-General Francis Atwoli has said that Deputy President William Ruto should record a statement on the Sh63 billion Aror and Kimwarer dam scandals.

“Mr Atwoli alleged that the DP was using his community and proxies to fight back and prevent the government from investigating graft cases. We know that he (Ruto) intimidated President Kenyatta to appoint his people in key agencies like the Kenya Pipeline, Kenya Power, Cereals Board to steal for him,” Mr Atwoli alleged.”
https://www.nation.co.ke/news/Atwoli-sl ... index.html

I agree with Atwoli. For corruption to be eradicated, there must not be any sacred cows. If the DCI & DPP have evidence that Ruto is involved in the Arror and Kimwarer dam scandals, he must be interrogated. And if there is sufficient evidence to charge him in court with corruption, then arrest and charge him.

Kenyans are tired of these never-ending corruption scandals. The President, DCI and DPP have public support in the war against corruption.

Even the Judiciary has read the public mood regarding corruption. “Chief Justice David Maraga has cautioned against politicizing the war on graft in the wake of high profile arrests. Maraga says 10 magistrates have been reassigned to hear graft related cases on a daily basis as his department moves to dispense enhance its capacity to hear such cases.”

In recent weeks, some judges/magistrates have made very good rulings, showing that they have finally come around, and they now support the fight against corruption. One of these rulings is that County Governors charged with corruption must hand over power to their deputies. Very good ruling.

A Governor and his wife have gone into hiding to avoid arrest over corruption (they might hand themselves in soon, or they will be arrested in the next few days). What is important to note here, is that the Governor is acknowledging that he believes that the government is not joking with matters to do with corruption. That is good news.

If this tempo is maintained, the year 2019 will be remembered as the year Kenya said goodbye to corruption.

Parallel Government

Extreme corruption in Kenya has brought about a shadowy Parallel Government, led by corrupt bureaucrats and politicians. It is this Parallel Government that is responsible for the gambling/betting terrorism in Kenya, and the so-called wash-wash fraud industry.

This is extremely dangerous for the country, because we are talking about international organised crime syndicates having tentacles in government.

A successful corruption war will mean the end of this Parallel Government. All law-abiding Kenyans will be the winners.

Example of the dangers of this Parallel Government: Kenyan youth complain there is no money. Of course, there is no money. The betting organised crime syndicates have repatriated 150+ Billion of the youth’s money. What do you expect?

End of the Parallel Government will mean that this type of rip-offs will never happen again in Kenya.

May the DCI & DPP do all they can to completely end corruption in the country.

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