How the Top Spy Agency in the World Protects William Ruto

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How the Top Spy Agency in the World Protects William Ruto

Post by tana » Fri May 07, 2021 7:45 am

Deputy President William Ruto is not the problem. The problem is that the Top Spy Agency in the World has embedded their Spy-IMPOSTORS into him.

The Spy Agency - on behalf of their masters - desperately want him to become Kenya president.

The Spy Agency slyly directs Kenyans’ anger about corruption away from Ruto, and onto other people, some who could even be totally innocent.

This Spy Agency has used PSYOPS and IMPOSTORS to CORRUPT and BRAINWASH about 30% of Mt Kenya MPs. Consequently, these MPs/Senators have become Ruto’s puppets.

Motive: To weaken Kenya Government.

Final Objective: To CONQUEAR Kenya.

2 years ago, the Spy Agency’S IMPOSTOR strategists who are embedded into Ruto devised a plan to create a rich-poor divide in Kenya - DYNASTIES vs HUSTLERS - with Ruto being promoted as the leader of the HUSTLERS.

However, the plan did not work out as planned.

Some Kenyans who could not afford a car, started attacking those who were driving cars…A villager with the most well-stocked shop was being seen as a DYNASTY…

Now, the Spy Agency’S IMPOSTOR strategists who are embedded into Ruto have devised another plan - isolate Mt Kenya, like they did in 2007/8.

The plot by Foreign-Born IMPOSTOR Farouk Kibet’s Spy Agency is, through Ruto, to make Kenyans from other regions perceive Mt Kenya people as being greedy and selfish. They are doing this by claiming to be working on “Mt Kenya Economic Module”.

Farouk Kibet’s team has even hired well-known Mt Kenya economists to work on this “Mt Kenya Economic Module”.

The purpose of this plot is to make other Kenyans start asking, where is our own “Economic Module” to lift our region’s economy? Why is DP Ruto not hiring our own economic experts to work on our region’s “Economic Module”?

Yet, Ruto sponsored Mt Kenya leaders plus economic experts - also from Mt Kenya - to go on fully paid 3 day seminar at expensive Maasai Mara resort?

>Cunning Incitement

Once they make it “Others” vs Mt Kenya, then DP Ruto will be promoted as the only politician who can protect Mt Kenya people from other tribes.

Very dangerous and evil politics.

Technically, it can be argued that, if Ruto is ignoring other regions, then leaders from those regions are free to work with other “national leaders”.

However, reality is that, it is only Ruto who has the kind of money that can buy politicians, pampering select politicians with paid “seminars” in expensive hotels…

Ruto has been hosting hundreds, sometimes thousands of Kenyans per week - mostly from Mt Kenya region - in his Sugoi/Karen residences. Each of the attendees is paid thousands of shillings. Plus transport and food, all paid by Ruto’s team.

He has been spending BILLIONS per year on these political activities. No other politician in Kenya has that kind of money.

Definitely, Ruto’s is CORRUPTION money.

Kenyan investigators have tried everything to catch him, but with the backing of the Top Spy Agency in the World, it has proved impossible.

Therefore, because of the sabotage activities by the Top Spy Agency in the World, Kenya cannot solve corruption cancer.

If Ruto was not protected by the Top Spy Agency in the World, he wouldn’t even be eligible to contest for any political seat, even MP seat, because of lack of integrity.

If Ruto was not protected by the Top Spy Agency in the World, when Kenyans talked about him, the most common topics would be corruption and deceitfulness. Not how he can become president.

Foreign-Born IMPOSTORS

The Foreign-Born IMPOSTORS sent to Kenya the Top Spy Agency in the World are estimated to be between 2,000-5,000 members. They include:

1. Rahamim Caveda alias Farouk Kibet – a top aide to the Deputy President of Kenya, William Ruto;

2. Narok Senator Solomon Sidisto alias Ledama Olekina;

3. Nyali MP Yehuda Yacob alias Mohammed Ali (Moha JichoPevu);

4. Former Chairman of the Law Society of Kenya, LSK, Berhanu Sabahat alias Ahmednasir Abdullahi;

5. Current Chairman of the Law Society of Kenya, LSK, Yehiel Melaku alias Nelson Havi;

6. Mombasa Governor Neggousa Bogale alias Hassan Ali Joho;

7. Lamu Senator Desta Pakada alias Anwar Loitiptip;

8. Jubilee Party Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura;

9. Nyandarua Woman Representative Faith Gitau;

10. Garissa Woman Representative Gure Anab Mohamed;

11. Nyeri Woman Representative Rahab Mukami;

12. Former President University of Nairobi Students’ Union, Pnina Salmasa alias Ann Mwangi Mvurya;

13. Musician Samidoh (Samuel Muchoki Ndirangu);

14. Nairobi County nominated MCA Anne Thumbi;

15. Blogger Kinuthia Pius.

IMPOSTORS’ Sabotage Activities

These 2,000-5,000 IMPOSTORS do various SABOTAGE activities under the radar, undetected by Kenyans. The jobs they do include:

1. Attending - in large numbers - political rallies hosted by DP Ruto and his allies and cheering, to make them appear to be popular on the ground;

2. Attending - in few numbers - political rallies of politicians seen as a threat to DP Ruto’s interests, and heckling, to make them appear to be unpopular on the ground;

3. Spying on targeted Kenyans;

4. Sabotaging businesses of patriotic Kenyans;

5. Popularising unpatriotic Kenyans, on the ground and online;

6. Slandering patriotic Kenyans, on the ground and online;

7. Blackmailing targeted patriotic Kenyans;

8. Popularising ANTI-KENYA policies, on the ground and online;

9. Misleading Kenyans about PRO-KENYA policies, on the ground and online;

10. Becoming embedded into certain targeted Kenyans - as business associates, friends, girlfriends/boyfriends or husbands/wives;

11. Using rumour and innuendo to cause suspicion and hate between different Kenyan tribes;

12. Being sent outside Kenya to act as just another Kenyan student/immigrant, and do the above 1-11 jobs on targeted Kenyans abroad.

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