Kenya Security Situation Currently

Discussion about the almost-news events.
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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:43 pm

From now onwards, I will assume that Farouk Kibet is a Mossad agent. This means that:

(a) He was not born in Kenya (not impossible for a Mossad agent to be born in Kenya, but you get my point);

(b) His birth certificate is fake. Therefore, his Kenyan ID and passport are also fake.

(c) Since, obviously, Farouk does not have a visa allowing him to be in Kenya, he is living in Kenya illegally.

If Mossad managed to embed their agent to such a high profile person - the Deputy President of Kenya, William Ruto - then, naturally, they have made sure there are other Mossad agents around the DP to give him - Farouk - support.

(Note: Farouk was embedded to Ruto almost 20 years ago, long before the latter became DP)

It is safe to assume that Farouk has managed to have between 10-20 other Mossad agents embedded into “Team Ruto”, some working in his homes, offices etc.

It is also safe to assume that, all information Ruto receives, and all information he sends, passes through Mossad. No wonder Kenya politics has been so chaotic for so many years now.

Pro-Ruto bloggers are fend secret GoK information by Mossad - that is MANIPULATED to fit Mossad agenda - though they (bloggers) most likely believe the information they receive is from Ruto supporters working in government.

No wonder Pro-Ruto bloggers are always so restless and unsettled. That is a common Mossad tactic - to keep the people they are manipulating busy always, so that they don’t pause to think, and ask themselves, “wait a minute, could someone be manipulating me?”

National Security

It is in the interest of every Kenyan, including DP Ruto, that every person working for him is investigated, to confirm whether they are foreign spies or not.

What if these spies embedded into Ruto are ordered to harm him, so the government can be blamed? This vetting exercise should be undertaken urgently, before it is too late.

Kenya security services are stretched beyond limit. However, the country doesn’t have a choice.

Same vetting exercise should be extended to people working for other prominent persons identified already as Mossad-Kenyans.

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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:08 am


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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:40 am

Two police officers were among seven people arrested in a siege at the home of Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi.

The officers attached to the presidential escort unit are said to have engaged their colleagues in a fight before they were detained. Their guns and ammunition were seized in the operation…

The officers from the president’s team were with the MP at the time of the raid…Such a team guard the president and deputy president with their families. ... sudis-home
Three armed presidential security men were found at the home of Kapsaret MP Oscar Sudi during a raid by police sent to arrest the legislator over alleged crimes of hate speech and incitement.

It's not clear what the three officers attached to President Kenyatta's security unit were doing at Sudi's home.

Police Commander in Uasin Gishu Johnstone Ipara who led the operation at Sudi’s home has confirmed…Ipara said that immediately they gained entry, shots were fired from inside the compound.

A GSU officer John Muiruri was injured with a panga on his right-hand thumb in the process of gaining entry. ... udis-home/
The shots fired from Sudi’s home, apparently by the Deputy President’s escort unit were definitely meant to act as the signal for youth that had been mobilised around the home to attack the police.

The police would naturally have defended themselves, and a massacre would have ensued. This would have ignited large scale ethnic conflict, that would have spread beyond Uasin Gishu county.

That was the evil plot. Luckily, it failed.

As long as there are foreign spies embedded into DP Ruto - and he has no clue about it - these plots to destabilise Kenya will continue.

Farouk Kibet - a foreign-born spy - has been top aide to Ruto for more than 10 years. How many other spies has he succeeded to embed into Ruto, such that Ruto is completely surrounded by foreign spies?

And these spies are under strict orders to use their access to the DP to destabilise Kenya (without the DPs knowledge).

NOTE: If DP Ruto wants to go somewhere, it is his aides who pass the message to the drivers and bodyguards. When the aide is a foreign spy…

It is very likely that it is one of the foreign spies embedded into Ruto who sent the DP official bodyguards to MP Sudi’s home. Very dangerous situation.

All aides/workers at DP Ruto’s homes, offices, farms need to be vetted by intelligence officers urgently, before it is too late.

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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Sun Sep 13, 2020 9:18 am

The image below shows a person identified by the police as a serious criminal, and the same person hobnobbing with the Deputy President William Ruto, at the latter’s official residence, less than 1 year later.

When the self-described “private detective” was declared wanted by the DCI, she behaved in a very strange manner, and made many Kenyans become curious about her. I have never seen any other person behave as strangely as she did, after being declared wanted by the police.

She completely refused to cooperate with the police, and went as far as to contact Human Rights organisations, claiming her life was in danger.

Finally, she hired the most shadowy lawyer in Kenya, went to court…I suppose the matter is dragging in court.

This is what I believe happened: DP William Ruto’s aide, “Farouk Kibet”, used this “private detective” to run dirty errands for him. She did Farouk’s illegal jobs, believing she was doing it for GoK.

Hence her confusion when she was declared WANTED by DCI for the criminal activities she did for Farouk.

It is Farouk and his associates (also foreign spies embedded into Ruto), who pressured her to behave the way she did, else, their cover would have been blown.

How many other “private detectives” has Farouk and associates incorporated into their anti-Kenya activities? How many ordinary Kenyan citizens are working for Farouk and associates at this very moment, believing they are working for GoK?

About the “private detective” meeting DP Ruto recently: I believe Farouk & associates organised the meeting. It is a common Mossad tactic, where they have to reassure clueless people they use in their schemes that all is well.

Technically, Farouk & associates are running a parallel government in Kenya. Being an aide to the Deputy President has enabled him to create a very functional parallel government, because he can also provide police cars, VIP police guards, take people to protected government facilities…to convince anyone doubting about their credentials that they are working for the government.

In fact, I believe “Farouk Kibet” is behind the so-called Kilimani Cartels. These cartels are very important to Mossad because they create CONFUSION.

No wonder when the police went to arrest an MP - who is associated with Kilimani Cartels - on Friday night, one of the persons who confronted them in that MPs house is a well known figure among the Kilimani Cartels. And DP elite guards in the house shot at the police (post above). What were they doing there?

Time Not on Kenya’s Side

Ordinarily, when a country is found spying on another country, they automatically stop the activity. In this case, it is not even spying, it is sabotage of Kenya. And the country responsible has refused to stop, even after being found out.

GoK needs to do the following: First, work towards stopping Kenyans from working for Farouk and associates, without knowing they are working for foreign spies. How to do that?

1. Start a police investigation on Farouk.

2. Convince at least 1 major media to have the following headline “DP Ruto Aide Farouk Kibet Being Investigated for Spying” (or similar headline).

This will indicate to the Kenyans working for him that he is not what they thought he was. This will free these Kenyans from his grip. The police would then be able to interrogate these Kenyans, and use that information to repair some of the damage done to the nation by the foreign power through their spies.

NOTE: The problem of these spies embedded into Kenya society - especially that of Farouk - cannot be solved under the radar. IMPOSSIBLE. Kenyans must know about it. That is the only way of stopping them from recruiting more Kenyans into their nefarious schemes.

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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:40 am

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi was a struggling matatu tout in Eldoret, before he met Farouk Kibet. With limited education, the best he could have hoped to achieve in life was to become a bus driver, or maybe own a matatu.

After meeting Farouk Kibet, Sudi’s life changed completely. Farouk took Sudi’s hand and guided him to become a multimillionaire and an MP.

How could Sudi imagine that the kind, friendly, but extremely secretive Farouk was helping him as part of a grand conspiracy for Farouk’s employers to eventually conquer and colonise Kenya?

Now, Farouk’s employers are demanding Sudi do them a big favour - start ethnic violence in Eldoret. Will Sudi do it?

NOTE: Foreign spy “Farouk Kibet” is the MASTERMIND behind the so-called Kilimani Cartels (Nairobi Underground).

His job has been to pick up select hungry, greedy people from across Kenya - eg Sudi, Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko, “businessman” Don Bosco Gichana & many others - introduce them to illegal schemes that make them millionaires overnight, and then use these compromised Kenyans to achieve their political agenda in the country.

Although Farouk’s employers have near-infinite money, and could make their Kenyan targets millionaires by funding them through legitimate businesses, they would never do that, because they need their targets to have dirt, plenty of dirt, for blackmail purposes, anytime they try to fall out of line.

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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:37 am

Foreign Spy Farouk Kibet’s Last Stand

He was sent to Kenya on a mission to:

(a) Create a successful criminal underworld in Nairobi; and
(b) Use the underworld connections to create a parallel government in Kenya.

They would protect the underworld and support the parallel government with logistics, money and any other resources needed, until the parallel government became powerful enough to take over the government.

All went as planned. Farouk created a successful, shadowy underworld in Nairobi, known by the public as Kilimani Cartels.

Many members of the cartel have gone on to occupy important political positions.

However, just before the ultimate mission - the takeover of the government - could succeed, Farouk Kibet was outed as a foreign spy.

Farouk needs to create a major distraction, fast.

He asked his protégés - MPs Johanna Ng’eno and Oscar Sudi - to quickly plan a repeat of 2007/2008 ethnic violence.

So far, the 2007/2008 repeat is not working.

What will Farouk Kibet do next?

Order a high profile assassination?

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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:28 am

The Strange Beliefs of Lawyers Ahmednasir Abdullahi & Nelson Havi

Ahmednasir Abdullahi (former chairman of the Law Society of Kenya, LSK) and Nelson Havi (current LSK president) are senior lawyers. Both are too PRO-CORRUPTION.

Both also advocate for polices that could destroy Kenya.


1. Havi travelled from Nairobi to Nakuru to show support for Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, who has been charged with hate speech and incitement to violence. Sudi tried to incite inter-tribal conflict in Eldoret, under the orders of FOREIGN SPY Farouk Kibet.

2. Apart from being corrupt himself, Ahmednasir has publicly and bitterly opposed the fight against corruption. How can a country survive if people know there are no consequences if they engage in corruption?

Who do these 2 lawyers act for?

Where did they attend primary school? Forget about secondary school. Primary school is the KEY. And in primary school, focus should be on where and when they enrolled for STANDARD 1.

If all checks out, then focus should be on whether they are being blackmailed by Kilimani Cartels, or they themselves are members of the cartels.

These are extremely dangerous times. Nothing should be left to chance.

Mossad- Kenyans

Is it possible that these 2 lawyers are Mossad-Kenyans?

I cannot say it is a fact that they are Mossad- Kenyans since I do not know about their backgrounds.

For the sake of argument, let us suppose they are Mossad- Kenyans. Then that would explain why they act the way they do.

Imagine someone living in Kenya illegally, declaring that the Attorney General of Kenya be disbarred! That is what Havi did recently.

Hats off Mossad.

Even if you do not like Mossad, you cannot say that they are not brave and bold.


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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:26 am

I confirm that Ahmednasir Abdullahi (former chairman of the Law Society of Kenya, LSK), and Nelson Havi (current LSK president) are Mossad-Kenyans.

Mr Ahmednasir Abdullahi fooled all of us. For a long, long time.

Around 1990, Abdullahi obtained Master of Law degree (LLM) from Cornel University in the US. He was then employed as a lecturer at the University of Nairobi.

Less than 3 years later, Abdullahi was “elected” Dean of Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi.

Just think about that. In a faculty with full professors, how does a lecturer with only 3 years experience, and with only a masters degree get to be the Dean?

It all makes sense now.

These Mossad-Kenyans have really messed Kenya. For very many years. My analysis has shown that Israel started the plot to conquer and colonise Kenya in the mid-1970s!

Imagine if Kenya was never attacked by this foreign power. All Kenyans would probably have access to clean, piped water. Highways and railways across the country would be top class.

Public hospitals would be well funded and equiped.

There would be well-funded welfare programs for people struggling financially. Therefore, crime rate in Kenya would very low.

Standard of living in Kenya would be comparable to that of Asian Tigers. If only Kenya was not attacked by a foreign power that coveted the country.

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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:26 am


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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:08 am

The fact that there are Mossad agents living in Kenya, with Kenyan names and all, is not in dispute. The dispute is, how many are they? 20? 100?

Some of these Mossad-Kenyans include “Kenyan” politicians like Ledama, Joho…LSK’s Havi, lawyer Ahmedinasir, top Deputy President William Ruto aide Farouk Kibet and others.

However, after studying the behaviour of the Mossad-Kenyans above, and their clueless Kenyan allies, I now believe that their number is most likely between 500-1000. Yes, that is how many they appear to be.

The reason for the above number is this: Recent events in Kenya have proved that Israel had long decided that conquering and colonising Kenya was a top priority for their country. According to this policy, Kenya had to be colonised, using any means necessary.

Therefore, if they needed to train 1000 Israelis and send them to Kenya (where they would present themselves as Kenyan-born natives), so be it.


Contrary to what 99.99% of Kenyans think, TangaTanga is not a Ruto project. It is a Mossad project.

In fact, privately, DP Ruto is ordered around by his supposed assistant, Farouk Kibet.

NOTE: Ruto’s TangaTanga spends hundreds of millions of shillings weekly. This has been going on for years. Yet, this movement of money has remained a secret all this time.

How is this possible?

This is what I think has been happening: Mossad has several hundred Mossad-Kenyans spread around the country, acting just like any other Kenyans. It is this Mossad-Kenyans who are used to move the money.

And because these Mossad-Kenyans have access to real-time information - thru’ back-doors in phones/apps/computers - about the behaviour/opinions/gossip regarding their grassroots Kenyan-TangaTanga contacts, there is no way they can be betrayed by these clueless Kenyans.

Example: Suppose youth from Ihururu are being organised to boost a TangaTanga event in Nyeri town. Their local “chairman”/“coordinator” or whatever they call themselves, might receive a call to meet someone in a particular Nyeri hotel.

He goes there, and is called aside by a waiter. The waiter informs him that he had been told to tell him A, B, C. He then hands the Ihururu TangaTanga youth “chairman”/“coordinator” an envelope with cash to distribute to 100 youth, so they can attend the Nyeri town meeting, with a promise that the rest of the money would be paid later, upon the youth doing as told.

How can anyone follow this kind of money trail? Even the Ihururu TangaTanga youth “chairman”/“coordinator” doesn’t know where the money came from. He probably believes it must have come from TangaTanga headquarters.

Anyway, he is not going to stress about that.

Also, local TangaTanga politicians - MPs, MCAs - only know about the money they themselves distributed. They don’t know about who funded these extra youth groups…but they cannot complain about having extra support.

Most likely, TangaTanga politicians - Senators, MPs, MCAs - believe that the extra support they receive must be from local businessmen who wish to remain anonymous.

Online Support

Same situation is repeated on social media. On average, TangaTanga politicians, bloggers/“influencers” receive a lot of support on social media.

TangaTanga believe the support they receive on social media is from genuine Kenyans who support whatever they stand for. However, reality is that at least 90% of that support comes from fake “Kenyans” and bots powered by Mossad.

This does not mean this Mossad-powered online support for Ruto is not beneficial to him. It helps Ruto a lot. It creates the impression that most Kenyans love him. This is very helpful in terms of enticing undecided voters.

Shadow Banning

If you know what “they” are doing in Kenya, and they discover that you know, then they immediately shadow ban you on social media. They also direct search engines to also shadow ban your websites.

Note: Since no Kenyan who knows what “they” are doing in Kenya can support TangaTanga, then all shadow banned Kenyans are people who would have played some role in exposing the TangaTanga-Mossad scam, if they had not been shadow banned.

No wonder TangaTanga appears to be so popular.

Several months ago, I saw posts on Twitter by a Kenyan who appeared to know what is going on. I assumed he was Kenyan because he had a Kenyan name, and also was tweeting about Kenya.

I became interested in what he was talking about, and decided to look closely at his account. I soon discovered that every link on his timeline, every video, every image…they were all hidden from view.

Normally, when an attachment on Twitter is hidden, there is an option to click some button and watch, if you did not mind the warnings.

However, on this particular Kenyan timeline, there was no such option. And this block of attachments did not affect 2 or 3 images/videos/links. ALL images/videos/links were completely BLOCKED by Twitter - hidden from public view.

This was the first time I had ever seen something like that.

Looking at his tweets, there was nothing vulgar, illegal, hateful, incitefull…all the reasons one would expect his images/videos/links to be blocked.

In an case, his tweets showed that he was woke - i.e. understood what was REALLY going in Kenya.

I wanted to know more about this woke Kenyan. But there was no way of finding anything about him, since everything that could indicate more about him e.g. link to blog was hidden from view.

Anyway, I decided to check his Twitter handle after a few days, maybe he could have been unblocked.

However, when I checked his Twitter account next, he had been completely banned! Gone.

I wondered, how many other Kenyans have been shadow banned or even kicked completely out of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube…

Someone might ask: “If these Kenyans who areshadow banned or even kicked completely out of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. had something important to say, we would have heard about it, somehow.”

But look critically at that statement. How would you have heard about them/what they had to say? Do you think there is any media in Kenya (or anywhere else in the world) that would dare to interview Kenyans who have been kicked off Facebook, Twitter, Youtube…(unless their problem was because of engaging in vulgar, illegal, hateful, incitefull conduct and claiming they were framed, or have changed)?

Media companies cannot take the risk of interviewing Kenyans who know what is going on. And they cannot be blamed for that.


Kenya is under attack by a foreign power. And this attack will not stop until either:

(a) the foreign power wins and colonises Kenya through the back door, or

(b) Kenyans get to know that they are under attack by a foreign power, and defend their country.

The choice is upon Kenyans to make. But how can Kenyans make a choice when they don’t even know the country is under attack?

Consider the following: Suppose I wanted to get a genuine, honest answer to the following question - Is there a web hosting company in Kenya that is completely owned by indigenous Kenyan(s), and these owner(s) do not have any external/foreign entanglements?

Let me explain by an example what I mean by external/foreign entanglements: If you are hosting a company in Kenya, and your domain is not issued in Kenya (eg, then you definitely have external/foreign entanglements.

As things stand, I don’t know of any way I can get a genuine answer to the question above. If I ask it on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, “Kenyan forums” etc. then the answer I will get will be of “Kenyans” or pseudo-Kenyans owning such companies.

If there is indeed such a company in Kenya, then they will make sure either the answers are so confusing that you cannot separate the wheat from the chaff, or nobody recommends the right company.

In short, we do not have a platform to freely discuss these tech issues. Yes, I know there are many Kenyan websites that discuss tech issues, but NONE would discuss what I am talking about, in such a manner that it would be helpful.

I know there are some patriotic Kenyan bloggers. There are some who might know what is going on, but they cannot talk about it for personal/family reasons. Very understandable.

You cannot talk about the things I am talking about, unless you consider your personal security first.

Question: Why not use this forum to discuss what you are talking about?

Answer: This forum does not currently allow registration because of being attacked repeatedly thru’ the registration/posting processes.

Technically, I can do the hosting myself. However, it is CRUCIAL that the forum that will allow many people to discuss what “they” do not want known about Kenya, MUST be hosted in Kenya. No way self-hosting can work effectively if done outside Kenya, when the target audience is in Kenya. Too much opportunity for them to sabotage the data enroute to recipients.

Unfortunately, I am currently living outside Kenya, for security reasons.

I have been sentenced to death by Mossad, for knowing about what they are doing in Kenya.

The only reason I am alive is because Mossad wants to kill me in such a manner that all evidence points to some other entity. And I have denied them that chance.

Ironically, I am only able to write whatever I want because, once you are sentenced to death, then there is nothing else to fear. The only reason I require armed security is because if I am not offered good security, Mossad would very easily kill me and frame an innocent person for the murder.

I have vowed never to let them get away with it. If they do it, then the least I will have done is to make sure that it is known Mossad did it.

NOTE: It does not mean that I cannot be safe in Kenya. But, just imagine me, just an ordinary Kenyan, requesting GoK to provide me 20 Recce bodyguards…How would it look?

I admit that I have a personal interest in the matter of Mossad plot against Kenya being defeated. I really want Kenya to win. I desperately want the plot to conquer and colonise Kenya to fail.

I will then be able to go back home!

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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Thu Oct 08, 2020 6:20 am

Deputy President William Ruto allies, led by Kandara MP Alice Wahome, are furious with police for arresting a TangaTanga “enforcer” called Duncan Ochanda. Ochanda has been arrested because he played a major role during the violence that resulted in 2 people dead on Sunday in Kenol, Murang’a county.

I have seen at least 5 pro-Ruto MPs protesting the arrest of Ochanda. This means that the MPs are acting under instructions from above i.e. DP Ruto and Farouk Kibet are pressuring the MPs to raise a ruckus until Ochanda is released.

Therefore, Ochanda is an important part of the CRIMINAL gang that Farouk uses to “ensure security” for Ruto and other TangaTanga politicians during their events around the country.

This criminal gang is led by a FOREIGN SPY - Farouk Kibet.

That is enough reason to label it a TERRORIST organisation. That designation allows police to hold its members for 30 days.

Therefore, Ochanda should be held for 30 days. Unless he decides to cooperate.

However, it is CRUCIAL that the members of Farouk’s gang who committed the 2 murders in Kenol are charged with MURDER.

They must not be allowed to go around killing innocent Kenyans without any consequences.

On December 29, 2007, in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu county, Farouk Kibet fired the shot that started the 2007/2008 Post-Election Violence, that led to the killing of almost 2,000 Kenyans and the displacement of 1 million more.

And Farouk Kibet got away with it.

He must not be allowed to continue ordering the killing of innocent Kenyans without suffering any consequences.

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Kenya Security Situation Currently

Post by tana » Tue Oct 13, 2020 4:16 am

Some prominent Kenyans, including religious leaders have requested President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto to “reconcile so that peace is maintained in Kenya”.

Those saying that are mistaken because there is no conflict between the President and DP.

The conflict is between their respective bosses.

President Uhuru’s boss is the people of Kenya.

DP Ruto’s boss is Farouk Kibet, a man born in a foreign land to non-Kenyan parents.

Therefore, reconciliation should be sought between the People of Kenya (GoK) and Farouk Kibet and his foreign team.

I suggest that religious leaders act as the mediators between the two sides.

While it is encouraged for all sides to go to the negotiating table ready for give and take, the People of Kenya (GoK) side must demand one irreducible minimum: Farouk Kibet and his group must leave Kenya and go back to where they came from.

Farouk and his group must leave, and never come back to Kenya, so Kenyans can determine their own destiny, without the foreign “conquerors” sabotaging Kenyans’ efforts to build a peaceful and prosperous nation.

What will be Farouk Kibet and his group’s irreducible minimum? Will they demand Galana Kulalu?

Would the People of Kenya be ready to cede Galana-Kulalu to them as a condition that they leave the rest of Kenya and never return?

NOTE: Farouk Kibet and his group have caused untold suffering to millions of Kenyans during the years they have been in the country. Among the many tragedies they have caused Kenyans is planning, starting and funding the 2007/2008 Post Election Violence.

There would have been no 2007/2008 Post Election Violence if Farouk and his group had not invited themselves to Kenya, and initiated the violence.

There would be no Kieleweke or TangaTanga if Farouk and his group had not invited themselves to Kenya.

What is the deal Kenyan people are ready to offer Farouk Kibet and his group so they go away and never return?

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