Is Governor Joho a Mossad Spy?

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Is Governor Joho a Mossad Spy?

Post by xtyrt5 » Sun Aug 23, 2020 5:09 am

After the probability of the politician being a Mossad-Kenyan hitting 99%, I have no choice but to name him today. Now.

The probability that Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho is either;

1. A Mossad-Kenyan, or

2. Someone very, very close to him (eg wife), is a Mossad agent embedded into him, is 99%.
Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho is a very senior politician in Kenya. In addition to being Governor of Mombasa, Kenya’s 2nd biggest city, he is also the Deputy Leader of the ODM party.

ODM is Kenya’s 2nd largest political party, in terms of number of MPs and Senators.

Therefore, Joho is currently positioned to become Kenya president sometime in the future.

If indeed Joho is a Mossad agent embedded into Kenya society years ago, then Mossad is in control of the gateway to Kenya, the city that hosts the only port in Kenya - the Mombasa port (Lamu port is still under construction).

This means that it is very important to settle this matter of Joho.

According to his bio page, he is 44 years old. This means that there are many people still around, who were his classmates in primary school, if indeed he attended primary school in Mombasa, like he claims.

A teacher saying Joho was his pupil is not enough evidence. Person claiming to have been his teacher or classmate in primary school is only useful in this case if he also provides crucial additional evidence e.g. information about where Joho family lived at the time, other relatives etc.

Does Joho have genuine uncles, aunts, cousins who are solid Kenyans?

There should be an investigation to determine, with finality, whether Joho is who he says he is.

After the case of “Ann Mwangi Mvurya” - PRESIDENT of the University of Nairobi Students Association (UNSA) - the spy that Mossad managed to embed into Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko, and also successfully made her clinch that top university position, then Kenya cannot afford to take this suspicions about Joho lightly.
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Is Governor Joho a Mossad Spy?

Post by xtyrt5 » Sun Aug 23, 2020 12:17 pm

Sometime last year, there was an anti-govt demo in Mombasa, organised by the local “Civil Society” groups, ostensibly to protest about transport of goods at the port via the SGR.

The Mombasa-based “Civil Society” groups had invited a famous Nairobi-based activist to provide moral support, or whatever.

The Nairobi-based activist participated in the demo very enthusiastically. And as happens nowadays, he also wrote about the events of that day on social media.

He said something regarding the events during the demo, that I considered to be quite significant, although other people who read it probably did not think it was important.

He said that what shocked him about Mombasa was that local residents were extremely terrified of Governor Hassan Joho.

The activist said that people in Mombasa spoke about Joho in whispers [unless what they were saying about him was positive].

Actually, another person who participated in the demo, also uploaded a video of the events of that day on social media. Something very noteworthy about that video was that, as the Nairobi-based activist criticised local Governor Joho, a certain MP from Mombasa County, who was standing next to the activist, appeared to be quite terrified about what the activist was saying about Joho.

In fact, other social media users commented about the MP’s attitude and said, “It appears the MP was forced to attend…it is like he doesn’t want to be there…”

No other Kenyan politician is feared by their local opponents. Other Kenyan politicians are either liked, disliked, loved or hated by people in their home regions. But not feared.

Even the President of Kenya has people who talk ill of him openly, in his own home constituency.

Not surprising, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho is also nicknamed The Sultan.

For people to be intimidated and dominated like the way it has happened in Mombasa, Mossad would rely on backdoors in various electronic gadgets and other tactics to make sure The Sultan rules the county smoothly.

Also note that Mossad owns several media companies - some that exist only online - in Kenya through local proxies. They use these companies to promote the people they view as allies, and to slander those they view as potential threats.


Something else unusual about Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho: Kenyan politicians view having police bodyguards as very important, in terms of, not only security, but prestige.

If most politicians were asked how many police bodyguards they would like to have, they would give ridiculous figures - as many as possible.

Not so for Mombasa Governor Joho. He has rejected police bodyguards in the past. I don’t know whether he eventually asked to have police bodyguards, but last time I read about the matter, he had declined police bodyguards, and was depending on his own personal bodyguards (and his county guards).

I am not aware of any Kenyan politician who is this averse to having police bodyguards.

In summary: There are a lot of red flags regarding Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho.

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Is Governor Joho a Mossad Spy?

Post by xtyrt5 » Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:04 am

What is the relationship between Officials/Civil servants working for the National government (headed by the ruling party president) and opposition party politicians?

Generally, opposition party politicians consider such government officials as just fellow Kenyans simply doing their job. They do not view them as enemies.

In fact, when multi-party politics was re-introduced in Kenya in the 1990s, many Kenyans were unpleasantly surprised to see opposition politicians, especially in Mt Kenya region, eating public resources together with local administrators sent by then President Moi, who was seen as an enemy by most locals.

The only Kenyan politician I am aware of, who has consistently considered senior Officials/Civil servants working for the National government as enemies, is Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho.

His differences with such officials have even sometimes degenerated to public quarrels.

Many Kenyans have noticed this very strange behaviour by Joho over the years. For many years, rumour had it that Joho was involved in the international narcotics trade (many Kenyans still believe he is a big-time drug trafficker).

In my opinion, this rumour came about because Kenyans couldn’t find any other way to explain Joho’s massive wealth, unusual secrecy, sneaky behaviour, and hostility towards government officials.

However, I think that Joho’s strange behaviour is caused by much more sinister reasons. I think he has always wanted (and advised by his Mossad handlers) to keep as much distance between himself and government officials, so that the latter do not discover his secret - that he is a foreign-born Mossad agent.

The people/politicians that Governor Joho associates relatively freely with, are people/politicians who depend on him either financially, or politically. These sort of people wouldn’t ask him uncomfortable questions, or try to dig for information about him.

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Is Governor Joho a Mossad Spy?

Post by xtyrt5 » Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:04 am

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho's trip to the United States of America is a major boost in efforts to clear his name against allegations of drug dealings…

During his tour, he met former US ambassador to Kenya, Johnnie Carson [United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (May 7, 2009 – March 29, 2013)], who is now a senior advisor at the United States Institute of Peace…

He held meetings with officials from the US department of Homeland Security and also met Eric P. Whitaker, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau African Affairs… ... jor-boost/
While Joho’s foreign handlers planned the 2017 US trip so that he could emphatically get rid of the “Drug Lord” tag, it taught me something else I had not known about him - that he had powerful non-African godfathers.

No, the godfathers do not include Mr Carson. The godfathers are the powerful entities who advised or compelled Mr Carson to host Governor Joho.

NOTE: At the height of rumours about there being a secret warrant of arrest in the US for Joho due to alleged international drug trafficking, other prominent Kenyans - some at the same political level as Joho - were also mentioned as also having warrants against them in the US due to the same crime.

Of all those prominent Kenyans rumoured to have secret US arrest warrants against them due to alleged international drug trafficking, only Joho “managed to go to the US, and publicly confirm the rumours were baseless” by meeting important US officials (This wouldn’t happen if there is a US arrest warrant against you).

During that time, I saw in the media and social media, at least one other prominent Kenyan - rumoured, too, as there being a secret US arrest warrant against him - also travelled to the US, meaning the rumours were bogus, yet he did not succeed in meeting any important person (or well known govt official) in the US, and was mocked mercilessly on social media because of that (many social media users suggested the prominent Kenyan hadn’t gone to the US, since there was no photo with any (important) US official).

Long story short: Only Joho had the opportunity to meet senior officials in the US - publicly - a move meant to categorically debunk the story about his alleged involvement in narcotics trade.

Other prominent Kenyans who may have been slandered by the rumours, could only manage to go the US, take photos with “unknowns”, and endure ridicule from fellow Kenyans.

Joho is not a mentally sophisticated person (he is as mentally suave as Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko). It is IMPOSSIBLE that he organised the US tour. It was organised for him, by powerful non-African entities. Why?

Motive For Following These Matters

My motive for writing about these matters is the following: I have discovered that the problems Kenya has been having for the past 2 decades - corruption, political tensions, ethnic tensions, economic problems etc. - all these are merely the symptoms.

The disease is this issue I am writing about, right here.

Someone might ask, “these people you are talking about do not force Kenyans to be corrupt…” Actually they do. You just do not know it.

One day, all “their” plots will become clear, and the world will be shocked.

Most Kenyans - at least 90% of Kenyans, a clear majority - want a corrupt-free country. They have tried everything - One-partyism, Multi-partyism…created PSC, JSC, KACC, EACC, changed Constitution several times…”

Nothing ever seems to work. Because Kenyans have been dealing with the symptoms, not the disease.

As long as the disease is there (and you don’t know about it), you can only ameliorate the pain and discomfort, as presented by the symptoms, before they recur the next day, week, month, or year.
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Is Governor Joho a Mossad Spy?

Post by xtyrt5 » Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:16 am

We have already proved that Ann Mwangi Mvurya, President UoN Students’ Union (UNSA), and Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho are Mossad agents embedded into Kenya society.

Assuming that Narok Senator Ledama Olekina, Nyali MP Mohammed Ali (Moha JichoPevu) and Lamu Senator Anwar Loitiptip are also Mossad agents embedded into Kenya society, it therefore means that the plan to conquer and colonise Kenya through the back door is nearly complete.

How many other Mossad-Kenyans are operating in the country undetected? Hundreds? What roles are they playing, unnoticed, in the plot to conquer Kenya?

This is what I think the plan is (if this is not their plan, then their plot is very likely a close variation of what I will present here):

Sometime next year, both Joho and Olekina would defect to Deputy President William Ruto’s faction of Jubilee party (or whatever party he will be controlling then).

With their backing, Ruto would win the 2022 presidency in the first round.

A few months after Ruto is sworn in as president, they would start releasing AUTHENTIC documents proving Ruto’s extraordinary corruption over the years, and other scandals (docs they are keeping hidden for now).

Kenyans would become very angry with Ruto and his government.

With their near total control of the local media (by then) - they would be controlling 98% of information-flow in Kenya, from the current 90 - 95% - they would embark on a massive media and social media-led drive to convince Kenyans that “time for revolution is now”.

Most Kenyans - very angry at the government because of the saucy corruption details of senior government officials - would genuinely support the call for a “revolution”. In towns and villages across the country, demos would be held in support of the “revolution”.

Within weeks, a leader of the “students, youth and workers revolution” would “emerge” - Ann Mwangi Mvurya.

Ms Mvurya would be hailed by international media as an African heroine, representing the future of Africa.

Suddenly, close allies of President Ruto, led by Hassan Joho, Ledama Olekina, Mohammed Ali (Moha JichoPevu) and Anwar Loitiptip, would hold a press conference, announce their support for the “revolution”, and demand that President Ruto and his government must resign.

Millions of Kenyans would begin a march to State House. President Ruto would flee and seek asylum in another African country.

By December 2023, twenty-something years old Ann Mwangi Mvurya would be the interim Kenya President, with Hassan Joho as deputy President. Top CSs in the interim administration would include Ledama Olekina, Moha JichoPevu and Anwar Loitiptip.

They would promise free and fair elections would be held within 2 years.

The Kenya “revolution” would be hailed all over the world as a great success.

Within a few months of being installed as President, Ann Mwangi Mvurya would win the Nobel Peace Prize.

They would now be controlling 100% of information-flow in Kenya.

If you did not support the interim government, they would know about it, through backdoors in computers, phones and other electronic devices. They would then shadow ban you, so that what you write online cannot be seen by anyone else.

The interim government would be, ipso facto, an autocratic government, but the outside world wouldn’t know about it.

The interim government would be guaranteed to win any elections called.

Kenya would have been colonised by a foreign power without firing a single shot.

Kenyans would become the most miserable people on earth, but the rest of the world won’t know it.

Opinion polls would be showing Kenyans are the happiest people in the world.

The rest of Africa would be envious of Kenya.

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Is Governor Joho a Mossad Spy?

Post by jon85 » Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:51 pm

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Is Governor Joho a Mossad Spy?

Post by xtyrt5 » Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:34 am

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