Will Israel & Turkey Push Somalia to Declare War on Kenya?

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Will Israel & Turkey Push Somalia to Declare War on Kenya?

Post by tana » Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:43 am

Somalia declaring war on Kenya is equivalent to Bangladesh declaring war on India. In both cases, it would mean that there are powerful countries urging them to declare war on their behalf.

Somali National Army (SNA) controls less than 25% of Somalia territory. The Al Shabaab terrorist group controls large areas of Somalia. Shouldn’t defeat of Al Shabaab be SNA’s top priority?

There has been reports that SNA was being mobilised at the Kenyan border between the towns of Bula Hawa (Beled Hawo) in Somalia and Mandera in Kenya.

Consider the following:

1. Somaliland declared independence from Somalia a long time ago. Yet, SNA has been unable to do anything about it.

2. Al Shabaab has killed thousands of innocent Somalis over the years.

- 2 months ago, at least 13 Somali troops were killed by the al-Shabab armed group near the district of Afgoye, northwest of the capital, Mogadishu.

In August, 2020, 10 civilians and a police officer were killed in a gun-and-bomb attack by al-Shabab on an upscale beachfront hotel in the capital.

- The al-Shabab claimed responsibility for December 2019 enormous car bombing in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu that killed at least 81 people.

- On 14 October 2017, two truck bombings took place in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, killing at least 587 people and injuring 316 others. Once again, Al Shabaab was responsible for this massacre of mostly civilians.

Given the above, one would expect focus of Somalia Government to be about vanquishing al-Shabab and restoring law and order in the country. However, that is not the priority of the government of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo.

The problem with Somalia is that it is currently a CLIENT STATE of powerful non-African entities.

A CLIENT STATE has no foreign policy. Its foreign policy is what their foreign bosses say it is. Somalia government’s non-African bosses want the country to remain UNSTABLE in perpetuity.

Will President Farmaajo declare war on Kenya, yet his country doesn’t have a single tank, because that is what the powerful non-African entities, of whom Somalia is a CLIENT STATE want, so they - the powerful non-African entities - can attack Kenya thru proxy?

If Somalia declares war on Kenya, Kenya government must immediately sever diplomatic relations with Israel and Turkey.

That is the least Kenya can do - to let the world know who is behind Somalia government’s hostile attitude towards Kenya.

On paper, the ocean boundary dispute is between Kenya versus Somalia. In reality, it is Kenya vs Israel/Turkey. Kenya is extremely disadvantaged.

Not surprisingly, when Kenya sent lawyers to the ICJ regarding the case, they were shocked to find that Somalia was represented by some of the best and most expensive lawyers in the world.

How was that possible, yet at that time, the government in Somalia did not even control a single village, town or city?

NOTE: Kenya is among very few African countries whose citizens are not found desperately crossing the Mediterranean to migrate to Europe. Some powerful non-African actors do not like that.


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Will Israel & Turkey Push Somalia to Declare War on Kenya?

Post by tana » Thu Dec 17, 2020 4:35 am

Earlier this year, it was reported that Silvia Romano had been rescued in Somalia.

It was alleged that her location in Somalia was discovered by Turkish intelligence.

Up to date, Somalia President Farmajo believes that story is true. However, he doesn’t know where Ms Romano was allegedly staying in Somalia, nor who had kidnapped her.

Imagine having a president who doesn’t know what is going on in his own country? He is fed intel by foreigners, who have their own interests - interests that do not rhyme with his own country’s interests.

Somalia President Farmajo is fed intel, some true, but most is FAKE.

Very dangerous situation.

Current situation in the world requires that a president must be very careful acting based on intel received regarding other countries.

Consider the case of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. He was killed by a remote-controlled weapon (gun).

NOTE: Iran has a powerful military and well trained intelligent officers. Yet, another country was able to, not only smuggle a dangerous weapon into Iran, but to also fire it at their chosen target REMOTELY.

Therefore, it is possible for a missile/rocket to be delivered CLANDESTINELY to country A & fired into country B.

Everyone will believe country A attacked country B…When powerful countries want to conquer a less powerful country, it is very easy for them to start WAR between previously friendly nations

Somalia President Farmajo has agreed, without knowing, to be used to create enmity between his country and Kenya.

Will he finally realise that he is being used by powerful non-African nations to weaken Somalia and Kenya, so that these 2 powerful countries can eventually COLONISE both Kenya and Somalia??

About Arab League: No Arab country is in control of the Arab League. The League is controlled by one of the Non-Arab countries pushing Somalia to create enmity with Kenya.

Therefore, next time The Arab League sides with Somalia against Kenya, President Farmaajo should know it is not Arabs speaking, it would be the non-Arab state speaking through the League.

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Will Israel & Turkey Push Somalia to Declare War on Kenya?

Post by tana » Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:27 am

The sea boundary between Kenya and Tanzania goes East. The boundary between Kenya and Somalia is also Eastwards.

However, Somalia, the country with the longest coastline in Africa, has been ordered by the non-African states that control it, to demand that the sea boundary with Kenya should be South-East.

Contrary to what many people think, the non-African states’ demand for Somalia to grab part of Kenyan ocean has nothing to do with minerals.

It is all about making Kenya to effectively become land-locked - so it can be conquered easily.

NOTE: When it comes to Kenya, Somalia President Farmajo was advised by the non-African States, of which Somalia is a CLIENT STATE, that Al Shabaab are allies.

Consequently, Al Shabaab terrorists have been able to cross into Kenya, commit atrocities, and head back to Somalia, with the knowledge and assistance of Farmaajo’s government.

Is it not odd - and very telling - that Somalia is opposed to Kenya building a wall between the two countries?

If the illogical sea claim by Somalia was ever allowed, it would mean that every ship entering Kenyan ports from Europe/Asia would be a possible target by Al Shabaab-linked pirates, enabled by Farmaajo’s government.

This is the motive behind the non-African States, of which Somalia is a CLIENT STATE, demand that Somalia claims that part of the Indian Ocean from Kenya.

They want to cripple Kenya economically, then colonise the country.

NOTE: Get PDF version of these articles here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1/ && https://kenyaiforum.co.ke/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1/

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Will Israel & Turkey Push Somalia to Declare War on Kenya?

Post by tana » Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:19 am

The Imposters

Some powerful non-African entities realised long ago that the easiest way to conquer a country, is to first send imposters who will act and speak like the locals, then use these imposters to weaken the country from within.

Take the case of Garissa County Women Representative Anab Subow Gure (as she calls herself on social media). In parliament, she is known as Gure Anab Mohamed. Her official parliament page has ZERO information about her. Education? BLANK. Work? BLANK…

Why is that?

Because she is an IMPOSTER. She is neither Kenyan, nor Somali. Yet, on paper, she is a citizen of Kenya, from Somali ethnic group.

Ms Anab is not from Somalia. Yet, she is being used to cause suspicion between Kenyan Somalis, and Kenyan non-Somali population.

Ms Gure Anab Mohamed has openly declared her loyalty is to Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo.

The plan is to make Kenyans believe that Kenyan-Somalis are not loyal to Kenya.

However, reality is that the person doing everything to make Kenyans think that way, is herself NOT ethnic Somali!

Anab Subow Gure/Gure Anab Mohamed is an IMPOSTOR - sent to Kenya by a powerful non-African state.


Is it possible that Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo is an impostor too?

Just think about it.

1. Farmaajo has never hidden his hatred of Kenya. When he became president, he immediately demanded Kenya cede to Somalia part of its Indian ocean. Why would a government that did not yet control a single village, view ownership of that small section of the Ocean as its Number 1 priority?

2. The Somalia-based terrorist group Al-Shabaab is more powerful in areas controlled by Somalia National Army, than in areas where Kenya Defence Force (KDF) is present. In fact, in Kismayu - which was liberated from Al-Shabaab by KDF - the terror group is virtually non-existent.

However, according to President Farmaajo, KDF is the enemy.

3. After the Al-Shabaab suicide bombing on 18 December, 2020, in Mudug region of central Somalia that killed SNA General Abdi and other senior commanders, what did President Farmaajo do?

The next day, 19 December 2020, he issued a protest note to Kenya for allegedly sending KDF to Mandera (in Kenya)! He claimed that KDF planned to attack Bula Hawa (Beled Hawo) in Somalia.

Therefore, the Al-Shabaab suicide bombing the previous day was not a serious matter, as far as President Farmaajo was concerned.

NOTE: The distance from Mudug region where the attack occurred, to Kenya border is more than 1,000 KMs.

Conclusion: On balance of probability, it is very likely that President Farmaajo is not a Somali, but an IMPOSTOR. How can a Somali be so callous towards the terror caused by the murderous Al-Shabaab - a cult-like group that regularly kills Somali women and children?

United Nations

If the president of Somalia is a real Somali (by ethnicity), he would want the country to be peaceful, so that the millions of Somalis living as refugees abroad could return home.

However, it appears that Somalia President Farmaajo desperately wants to start a war between Somalia and Kenya. How would that help Somalia?

The fact that KDF cleared Kismayu of Al-Shabaab; The fact that Al-Shabaab terrorists pass through areas controlled by SNA and attack innocent Kenyans in N.E. Kenya; The fact that President Farmaajo considers KDF as the enemy, rather than Al-Shabaab terrorists;

Means that Farmaajo is most likely an IMPOSTOR - a non-Somali presenting himself as a Somali.

United Nations should investigate this very likely possibility.

If it is found that Farmaajo is not an ethnic Somali, he must be ordered to resign as president.

Somalia will only be peaceful if impostors - non-ethnic Somali brought to Somalia by entities that want to colonise the country - are barred from occupying political positions.

These impostors want to destabilise, not only Somalia, but neighbouring countries too. They must be stopped, before they accomplish their evil missions.

NOTE: Get PDF version of these articles here: HERE && HERE


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Will Israel & Turkey Push Somalia to Declare War on Kenya?

Post by tana » Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:24 am

1. Al-Shabaab TERRORISTS have killed thousands of innocent people in Somalia. They have killed hundreds of innocent people outside Somalia. Al-Shabaab have no qualms sending a suicide bomber to detonate his bomb in a market teeming with women and children.

2. Al-Shabaab has recruited thousands of non-Somali people from different countries over the years. Therefore, their objectives, whatever they are, are global.

3. Somalia President Farmaajo has reported Kenya to the African Union, United Nations and IGAD SEVERALLY, but has NEVER reported Al-Shabaab TERRORISTS to these organisations. Not even once.

4. Kenya has lobbied African Union, European Union and United Nations to have Al-Shabaab formally designated as a TERRORIST organisation under the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1267 of 1999. Farmaajo’s government has opposed designation of Al-Shabaab as a TERRORIST organisation by the UN.

5. It is important to note that Al-Shabaab has training camps inside Somalia, in areas controlled by Somali National Army, SNA. Without those camps, they wouldn’t be effective. They train in the camps, then kill thousands of Somali & hundreds of Kenyans.

Therefore, what is happening inside Somalia is of significant concern to Kenya, because it affects Kenya security and economy.

6. If it is true that Somalia has been supplied with ARMED DRONES to fight Kenya, yet Al-Shabaab TERROR group operates at will in Mogadishu, what does that say about President Farmaajo’s patriotism, or lack thereof? What does it say about Somalia’s non-African SPONSORS?

7. On 14 October 2010, Farmaajo was appointed Prime Minister of Somalia; Constitution change forced him to resign as PM on 19 June 2011; Sheikh Hussein Ali Fidow - spokesman for Al Shabaab - COMPLAINED that Farmaajo was COERCED to step down.

8. Is is very OBVIOUS that Farmaajo is an IMPOSTOR - has NO blood/cultural ties to Somalia.

It is also obvious that the NEOCOLONIALISTS who sent him to Somalia, and manipulated local politics until he became president, wants Al-Shabaab TERROR group to thrive. This is DESTABILISING to Somalia, Kenya and the World.

9. Therefore, Somalia and Kenya will never know peace, until Farmaajo is investigated, and if found to be an IMPOSTOR, is forced to resign.


An IMPOSTOR being the president makes any investigation into his background to be extremely difficult.

The president had all the time to have fake documents placed in places where investigators might look, as they search whether he was present at a particular place, at a particular time.

He also had all the time in the world to place FAKE witnesses who would place him at a particular place in Somalia, at a particular time.

Therefore, the only way to confirm whether he is a Somali IMPOSTOR, is to investigate what he cannot change - his DNA.

Will the International Community come to the aid of Somalia and Kenya?


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Will Israel & Turkey Push Somalia to Declare War on Kenya?

Post by tana » Sat Dec 26, 2020 3:02 am

NOTE: The Council of Presidential Candidates in Somalia has accused the Federal Government of Somalia of selecting National Intelligence and Security Agency(NISA) members and civil servants loyal to Farmaajo to the Electoral Dispute Resolution Committee.

If indeed Farmaajo is a non-Somali IMPOSTOR, then logic dictates that he has placed other IMPOSTORS in senior positions in NISA, SNA, civil service, media…

If powerful non-African entities can SUCCESSFULLY embed a non-Somali into Somalia society, and manipulate the electoral process to make him president, then, the same powerful forces spy and eavesdrop on politicians and other prominent Somali seen to be a threat, or potential threat to Farmaajo.

Therefore, The Council of Presidential Candidates in Somalia need to do the following, urgently: Organise to meet OUTSIDE Somalia, in another African country. Do not discuss the agenda of that meeting, until you are already outside Somalia.

During the meeting, discuss and agree how to handle the fact that the President of Somalia is an IMPOSTOR.

Prepare a press statement.

Call an international press conference.

Appeal to the international community to help Somalia solve the question of Farmaajo being a non-Somali IMPOSTOR.

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Will Israel & Turkey Push Somalia to Declare War on Kenya?

Post by tana » Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:55 am


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