Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:06 am

“And so it was that yesterday in Malindi, in the course of the first session of the hearing on the kidnapping of Silvia Romano, it was discovered that one of the two suspects in the dock was released immediately, after he paid his deposit of 25 thousand euros to not stay in prison. It is Moses Luari Chende. As underlined by Massimo Alberizzi, posted in Il Fatto Quotidiano, in Kenya, the amount paid by the suspect is very high for the standards of the Country.”

“The average salary of Kenyans, in fact, does not exceed the equivalent of one thousand euros per year. Yet Moses Luari Chende was able to pay those three million shillings [25,000 EUROS] to gain his freedom pending trial.” ... -cauzione/

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:32 pm

I have edited the post above since new information has come up. Finally, I have confirmed that the trial about Silvia Romano kidnapping has started and Malindi Chief Magistrate Julie Oseko is handling the case.

Apparently, Kenyan media was fearing to cover the case before. That is why some are reporting about the trial 2 days after it started. Anyway: “Mr Moses Luwali and Mr Abdulla Gababa Wario together with others not present in court have been charged with kidnapping Ms Silvia Romano on November 20 last year.”
“Mr Macdonald Ngowa, the area chief testified that the kidnaping of Ms Romano, who had stayed at a rental room in Chakama for two months, left many beneficiaries of the Africa Milele Organisation worried…

“The magistrate slated the hearing for August 21 and directed the prosecution to bring all the witnesses for hearing. In addition, she also directed the case against one of the three key suspects with a Sh1 million bounties, Mr Ibrahim Adan Omar who was charged with unlawful possession of firearm to be heard on August 19.” ... index.html

Other Kenyan media that have written about the trial include: ... s-witness/ & ... s-abducted

Finally, Kenyan media have started covering the trial. Key dates are August 19 & 21, when the cases will be heard in Malindi court. The trial will be very interesting. Though, it must be noted that the main suspects are still missing.

What is important is that, a time has come for Kenyans to stop fearing mentioning the name Silvia Romano. If I had the resources, I would put up a big billboard on the Mombasa-Malindi road with Ms Romano’s photo accompanied by the words “Help Find Silvia Romano”.

My conclusion regarding the Silvia Romano saga, given all that has happened up to now: The kidnapping happened, and was real, but Silvia Romano’s primary reason for being in Kilifi is not what she portrayed.

Unless any other evidence comes up, I believe Ms Romano is in or near Dimona, enjoying herself.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:11 am

I want to thank Africa Express for finally translating their recent articles about Silvia Romano into English. Unfortunately, Kenyan media reported about the ongoing Silvia Romano case only once, several days after the first phase of the trial ended, like they didn’t want anything to do with the trial.

Therefore, I will have to depend on Africa Express articles, and will add my comments below the quotes from Africa Express.
The courtroom where the hearing took place was full of people. But there were only two whites: besides me, the RAI correspondent, Enzo Nucci.”
Odd that the courtroom was full of people, and yet nothing about it on KOT (Kenyans on Twitter), Kenyans on Facebook, Kenyan forums (apart from this forum), Kenyan blogs…Something I find strange about this Silvia Romano saga: You meet a Kenyan who has read about Silvia Romano kidnapping. You ask him what he thinks about the story. He starts shaking uncontrollably. Why?

A trial of suspects in the kidnapping of a European person in Africa, yet nothing on International media? I have checked BBC, CNN, Daily Mail and they have not written about this case in many months.

Therefore, POWERFUL PEOPLE DON’T WANT SILVIA ROMANO STORY TO BE KNOWN. It is good that Kenyan investigators and prosecutors have done their part. We now know who doesn’t want the matter talked about.
Finally, it seems that Kenyan investigators have finally seriously engaged in the matter. This is only because they need the collaboration of the Italians to reveal the case of corruption that is disturbing the policy of the former British colony, that of the three dams that the CMC of Ravenna should have built. For now – according to the accusations -the company was able to make 600 million dollars disappear. Yesterday the judges of Nairobi issued an arrest warrant against Paolo Porcelli, managing director of the CMC. A signal that in return the Kenyans are ready to hand over Silvia’s kidnappers to Italian justice?”
The editor of Africa Express must know that no non-Kenyan entity has complained about Silvia Romano’s kidnapping. He himself has written in the first quote above that there were only 2 White people in court, himself, and another Italian journalist.

Does Silvia Romano not have parents? Siblings? Other relatives? Friends? Co-workers? Government officials in her home country concerned about her welfare? Why are they ALL not interested in finding out about what happened to her?

NB: Africa Express will be spinning this story to try to mislead their readers. I will be deconstructing their spins on this thread.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Mon Aug 05, 2019 1:24 pm

More from Africa Express about the Silvia Romano saga:
Few people in Chakama know the three suspects, Moses Luari Chende (also reported as Moses Luwali Chembe), Abdulla Gababa Wari (the hearings concerning them were on 29 and 30 July and the next is scheduled for 21 August) and Ibrahim Adan Omar (who will be tried on 19 August). Only the first is a little better known because he lived with a girl from the village, Elisabeth Kasena, and then on the 17 and 18 November [2018], two days before the abduction, he slept in a guest house opposite Silvia’s house. Moses is on the loose because he paid a bail of 25 thousand euros, a huge sum in these parts. According to the village chief, “now he risks being killed by those who ordered the kidnapping. He knows too much and knows the principals. If they kill him he will take his secret to the grave. How did he pay the bail?“ Mac Donald asks. ... ng-killed/
It doesn’t make sense that Moses Luwali’s life is in danger now “because he knows too much”. It appears that he has been out on bail for many months. If his life was not in danger before, why should there be danger now?

One would assume that what he knows is also known either by the investigators, or by his lawyer, or both, complete with video-taped evidence.

Therefore, the only people who would want to take him out would be POWERFUL EXTERNAL FORCES, so that they can then spin the story to claim that a senior Kenyan official ordered the hit so that he (Luwali) would not expose his (the official) involvement in the kidnapping.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Tue Aug 06, 2019 4:08 am

fourier wrote:
Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:11 am
The courtroom where the hearing took place was full of people. But there were only two whites: besides me, the RAI correspondent, Enzo Nucci.”
Does Silvia Romano not have parents? Siblings? Other relatives? Friends? Co-workers? Government officials in her home country concerned about her welfare? Why are they ALL not interested in finding out about what happened to her?
The suspects in the Silvia Romano kidnapping case are being tried in a Malindi court.

1. There are at least 4,000 Italians living in Malindi. “Currently over 4,000 Italians own property in Malindi.” ... ith-kenya/

No Italian resident in Malindi attended the Silvia Romano trial.

2. There is a Consulate of Italy in Malindi.

No official from the Consulate attended the Silvia Romano trial.

3. Absolutely no one in the world cares about Silvia Romano enough to attend the trial? (not counting the 2 journalists since they were there because it is their job)

4. There are plenty of international media in Nairobi, about 1 hour away by plane from Malindi (and there are passenger planes that fly direct from Nairobi to Malindi). None wants to follow the trial?

5. The 1st phase of the trial was held for at least 2 days, last week. Kenyan media started reporting about it 2 days after it ended (1 article per media house. They didn’t bother to give the readers detailed background info about the story, and NONE had the name Silvia Romano in the headline).

NOTE: The trial is continuing on August 19 (a different suspect). Let us hope this time the media will not ignore the story.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:45 am

I was searching online for articles about the ongoing Silvia Romano kidnap suspects’ trial in Malindi, but I have not seen any article mentioning the upcoming trial of the main suspect, Ibrahim Adan Omar, on 19th August 2019.

I have therefore written to several international media companies informing them about the court case on Monday, August 19, 2019.

At this time, only 2 media companies have confirmed that they will cover the trial: A well-known Europe-based media company, and Mr Alberizzi (Africa-Express).

This does not mean that other media companies will not cover the trial. It only means that they did not reply. Publicity is good for the trial because it might lead to:
(a) release of Silvia Romano, or
(b) her kidnappers stating what they want so they can release her.

The BIG DAY is near: Monday, August 19, 2019. Let us hope all the media companies I have written to will at least send one reporter each to cover the trial in Malindi Court.

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Silvia Romano Kidnappers to be Arraigned in Malindi Court on 21 August 2019

Post by fourier » Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:57 am

It appears that no English language media covered the Silvia Romano kidnapper’s trial yesterday, 19th August. Also, it seems that no Kenyan media company covered the trial yesterday. Some Italian media covered the trial, and one of them - - have an English version.

According to the Italian media, nothing happened yesterday in court, because the magistrate has decided to consolidate the trials of all 3 suspects. The trial will therefore start tomorrow, 21 August 2019 in Malindi court.

The following suspects are expected in court tomorrow: Ibrahim Adan Omar, Moses Luwali Chembe and Abdulla Gababa Wari.

I have emailed the following Kenyan media companies informing them about the new developments i.e. trial of the 3 suspects starting tomorrow: Mediamax, Daily Nation, Kenya News Agency.

I couldn’t find the email contacts for other Kenyan media companies. I have therefore informed them about the trial tomorrow via Twitter. I have sent Twitter messages to the following: @thestarkenya, @citizentvkenya, @StandardKenya & @CapitalFMKenya.

I hope that some of the bosses of the media companies I have contacted will have the courage to send journalists to cover the trial tomorrow.

If there is any truly independent media house in Kenya, then the Silvia Romano trial should be the leading item in the evening news tomorrow and also the top headline on their websites.

Patriotic citizens have not cowed away from investigating and prosecuting the crime of the kidnapping of Silvia Romano. It would be very unfortunate if the media lets everyone down by refusing to cover the trial.

If Kenyan media, and English language media globally, refuse to cover the Silvia Romano trial, even after being informed about when and where it will be held, then it would mean that they should never be taken seriously when they talk about democracy, human rights, corruption etc. because they will be the kings and queens of corruption through selective reporting of issues.

NB: Last week, I wrote to the following international media companies informing them about the Silvia Romano trial schedule: BBC, VOA, DW, China Daily, RT & Japan Today.

“The fact is that the judge moved everything to the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, August 21, effectively trying to merge the start of the trial with the resumption of the one against the other two suspects, Abdullah Gababa Wario and Moses Luwali Chembe, already heard last July 30 in Malindi. According to the Court, 17 witnesses will be heard.” ... ifted.html

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Silvia Romano Kidnappers’ Trial Pushed to Friday 30 August, 2019

Post by fourier » Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:38 am “This morning in the first room of the Court of Malindi Chief Magistrate Julie Oseko accepted the proposal of the Prosecutor Alice Mathangani, also approved by the Defense of the accused, to merge the two trials to the three alleged members of the gang [Abdalla Gababa Wario, Moses Luwali Chembe, Ibrahim Adan Omar] that on November 20, 2018 kidnapped the Italian citizen Silvia Romano in the village of Chakama.

“Everything was postponed to Friday 30 August, at 9 a.m. at the Court in Malindi. 17 witnesses are expected to testify then.”

Reason why some of us cannot be elected even as MCAs: If I was the President of Kenya, I would make the following orders:

1. Public Holiday on 30 August, 2019, so that Kenyans can follow the Silvia Romano Kidnappers’ Trial LIVE from Malindi court.
2. On 30 August, 2019, KBC must provide LIVE feed directly from the courtroom in Malindi.
3. All broadcasters in Kenya that do not provide LIVE feed of the trial on 30 August, 2019, or link to KBC LIVE feed, will be assumed to have forfeited their broadcasting licences.

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Silvia Romano Kidnappers Next Court Appearance - September 2, 2019

Post by fourier » Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:20 pm

Very difficult to follow what is happening in Malindi court regarding the trial of the 3 men accused of kidnapping Silvia Romano.

Either no English media (or Kenyan media) is writing about the case, or the search engines are blocking English-language webpages featuring the case.

I therefore have no alternative but to depend on Italian language websites that are featuring the trial. Not easy because online translator is not perfect. Anyway, this is what happened in court on Friday, 30 August 2019:

1. Prosecutor Alice Mathangani asked Judge Julie Oseko to change the charge for the 3 accused and to suspend their bonds, asking for them to be charged with terrorism.

2. Case comes back to court on Monday, September 2 in the morning.

3. Police Investigator Peter Muirithi opined that the 3 defendants are too dangerous to be released on bond.

4. Chief Magistrate Oseko allowed bond to be cancelled temporarily. The lawyers for the defendants have appealed, and so on 2 September there will be a further hearing to determine whether the correct decision was made.

Therefore all 3 defendants are now in jail.

I have also seen at least 2 Italian language websites (that have been featured earlier on this thread) claiming that Ms Romano is likely in Somalia, or Tanzania!

NOTE: 2 suspects are still missing. Were they killed by Romano’s rescuers?
I believe that Ms Romano’s alleged illegal ivory trade with the KWS rangers was meant to create rapport so Mossad could then move to the next stage.

Unfortunately, the people she was dealing with were too greedy and decided to kidnap her for ransom. They might have argued that, “this lady is an international criminal, therefore, if we kidnap her, her friends will pay ransom without going to the police.”

However, Mossad agents working with Green Arava nearby rescued her, and probably killed her kidnappers.

Green Arava is involved with heavy machinery and they probably have regular cargo movements by plane to and from Kenya, either from Mombasa or Malindi airports nearby.

They could have moved Romano out of the country using one of those planes, disguised as someone else, or as cargo.
If this part “Mossad probably killed her kidnappers” is true, then it would mean that it is very likely that one or more of the suspects in court witnessed the rescue, and managed to escape.

That is why this case might become very interesting.

Next hearing: Monday morning, September 2, 2019.

EDIT: I have seen “The Star” newspaper has an article about the story, written 3 hours ago (more than 24 hours since the matter was concluded in court): “Three key suspects in connection with the abduction of Italian aid worker Silvia Romano will remain in custody pending ruling on whether bail which had earlier been granted will be cancelled, a Malindi court has ruled.

The three suspects, Ibrahim Omar, Abdulla Wario, and Moses Liwali on Friday, August 30, appeared before the Malindi Chief Magistrate Court on counts of conspiracy to commit a terrorist act within Kenya.”

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Silvia Romano Kidnappers Next Court Appearance - September 2, 2019

Post by fourier » Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:06 am

SilviaRomano_chargesheet.jpg (77.43 KiB) Viewed 24711 times

The suspects: Abdulla Gababa Wario, Moses Luwali Chembe & Ibrahim Adhan Omar (not Abdalla & Adan as earlier reported).

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Silvia Romano Kidnappers Next Court Appearance - September 2, 2019

Post by fourier » Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:07 am

Congratulations @ODDP_KE for keeping us informed about what is happening in Malindi court.

NB: It is not right that we have to wait for the office of DPP to inform us about what went on in court, when there are government-owned media companies that should be doing that. We shouldn’t have to depend on Italian websites (written in Italian) to inform us about what is happening in a Kenyan court.

I have checked both KNA ( & KBC ( and both have not reported on the Silvia Romano trial since it started. On KBC website front page, it includes the following stories:

1. ‘Mpango wa kandos’ aside, have you heard of swingers?
2. Beauty vloggers…
3. Celebs gossip.

Is this some kind of joke? Time heads rolled at KNA & KBC.

KNA & KBC should be the goto websites when one wants to know about AUTHENTIC Kenyan news. They should leave gossip & celebs stories to the private media, of which there are plenty in the country.

Have the bosses at KNA & KBC been bribed so as to give the Silvia Romano story a blackout?

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Silvia Romano Kidnappers Next Court Appearance - September 2, 2019

Post by fourier » Sun Sep 01, 2019 5:22 am

I have read several articles (in Italian language) suggesting that Silvia Romano was taken to Somalia by her kidnappers. Others suggest she might even be in Tanzania!

What does this mean?

It is important to note that the Silvia Romano story is almost going mainstream. Therefore, “they” will try some new tactic.

1. We do not know who is the real father of Silvia Romano.
2. We do not know who is the real mother of Silvia Romano.
3. We do not know any real relatives of Silvia Romano.

Therefore, no Kenyan should believe the following story, if it comes out: A body of European female is discovered in Kenya’s Coast/North Eastern regions, or in Somalia, or in Tanzania, then it is claimed that it might be Silvia Romano. DNA will be taken from her “relatives”, and it confirms that it is indeed Silvia Romano.

This time, even English-language media will enthusiastically report the story.

What is most likely to have happened: A deceased person fitting the general characteristics of Ms Romano (height/age/race) is dumped in Kenya/Somalia/Tanzania, then it is discovered (genuinely by a local person).

The discovery of the body will be genuine, the deceased’s relatives (flown in from abroad) will be genuine (but part of the plot), the DNA analysis will be genuine. Therefore, there will be no reason to doubt that the deceased is indeed Silvia Romano (though, in reality, it would be someone else).

The only way to pre-empt this trick is if the DCI kept Ms Romano’s personal belongings (and therefore have her DNA in store).

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