KBC, Microblogging & User Engagement

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KBC, Microblogging & User Engagement

Post by zay » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:33 am

For Kenya to become more politically stable, the government must unshackle Kenya from the shackles of foreign manipulation of information flow in Kenya.

Millions of Kenyans surf the net every day. Allowing malicious entities to have absolute control of the websites Kenyans visit is a threat to national security and cohesion.

How do Kenyans exchange news/information currently? Via WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook etc. (all these companies are owned by you-know-who).

Kenyans also share information by commenting on the pages of local news media. The last time I checked, all local media that allow readers to comment, users either comment via Facebook or Disqus etc.

I have evidence that all these entities have shadow banned Kenyans I know(because these Kenyans’ opinion about Kenyan issues go against the global Deep State plans for the country).

Kenyans use Google to search for information that interests them. Google, Facebook and other Big Tech are all rigged. Even the president of the United States has accused them of rigging search results.
Google_rigging.jpeg (62.77 KiB) Viewed 31551 times
This is a very big problem for Kenya than it is for neighbouring countries. If the interest the Global Deep State has in Uganda or Tanzania is X, then their interest in Kenya is 1000X

Kenyans shouldn’t be flattered that the people who run the world have such a huge interest in Kenya because what they want is to destabilise the country and install a puppet as the leader.

National Security

The total control of information flow by people who want to sabotage the country is a great threat not only to Kenya security, but economy too. This is what government of Kenya should do to counter this threat:

1. Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) should be well funded. KBC should allow moderated comments on its online articles. It should assign patriotic and knowledgeable people to man the comments section.

It must not use any external platform for comments like Disqus. They must manage the comments themselves. In any case, most CMS come with comment and search functions; even Wordpress comes with integrated comments and search section. It is NOT enough to allow people to comment via Facebook, because of reasons explained above.

2. Ministry of information should liaise with Safaricom to develop a microblogging platform (like Twitter) and another like WhatsApp. I read somewhere that Safaricom was working on such a platform, but I don’t know about the progress.

This is because app stores are rigged, and only an established company with financial muscle to market their products will succeed. These products must use their own localised search engines.

If they decide to use Google or another foreign search engine for their product, then it won’t be any different from the other rigged platforms. I know of a company that started very well as an unbiased social platform, but they made the mistake of integrating Google as their search engine.

Google did what it does best: They started rigging that platform’s search results. People started noticing, and now its just another struggling platform.

3. Ministry of information should liaise with a local university to develop a Kenyan-based search engine. This shouldn’t take more than 1 year, since they won’t be starting from scratch.

Currently, there is a lot of false information regarding Kenya that is taken as fact by many people because those who know the truth have no popular forum to correct the lies, and their opinions are shadow banned by Facebook, Twitter etc.

Unfortunately, these lies are many and have the cumulative effect of destabilising the country.

If the proposals above are implemented, it will go a long way in making Kenya more stable, because for the first time in decades, Kenyans will have access to information that has not been manipulated to make them mental slaves of the Global New World Order monsters.

The advantage for Kenyans is that no one would be dictating what search engines, micro-blogging platforms etc. to use. The government will only provide OPTIONS that are sorely lacking today.

No independent Kenyan developer/company can do it. This is because it is not about coding. It is about having the power to make the websites/apps known by Kenyans. And the powers-that-be can never allow any INDEPENDENT developer/company to succeed here.

When you see the President of the US complaining about Big Tech rigging, it means it is a massive criminal network in control out there.

Some people may think I am exaggerating what’s going on in the world, but in fact, if they knew what is actually going on, they would be shocked.

Question: Don’t you think its strange that many of the most popular Kenyans on Twitter & Facebook are people who are not popular at a personal level, and that some have actually participated in elections in Kenya and received <1% of the vote?

NOTE: 15 years ago, you could go online and find very active and interesting Kenyan-run discussion forums. Some died naturally, but many were sabotaged off the stage because the global mafioso wanted to be in control of what Kenyans discussed online.

It is a very complex issue. In short, there are people who want to rule the world and enslave everyone else. It is upon the people who know about this to make sure they are not among the first to be enslaved.

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KBC, Microblogging & User Engagement

Post by zay » Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:59 am

So, how would KBC having moderated comments or the govt creating search engine and microblogging platforms help Kenyan economy?

I will use SGR as an example. Generally, SGR is portrayed negatively on social media. Yet, we always read about how SGR is always overbooked. In fact, they have had to increase coaches during holidays.

If Kenyans hate SGR and believe it shouldn’t be funded, then why do they like using it, yet there are many other alternatives - buses, plane, taxis, matatu?

This is where information management intertwines with economics.

If people with ulterior motives are allowed to continue to have monopoly of Kenya’s information management, then the country’s rate of development will be stunted forever.

The people who have control of global communication tools are against projects that are good for Kenya like SGR and LAPSSET(explained in other threads).

That is why they manipulate their platforms to promote negative posts about these projects. This why KBC allowing moderated comments, govt creating search engine and microblogging platforms is necessary.

Who would fund a project that is trending on twitter/Facebook as a scam (rigged)? With an unbiased Kenyan microblogging platform, the same project might be praised by the majority who understand its benefits.

Same with search engine.

Google might be showing top links about a project that aren’t helpful to a potential investor (rigged), and the unrigged Kenyan search engine would be showing top links that identify the great potential of the project.

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KBC, Microblogging & User Engagement

Post by zay » Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:28 am


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KBC, Microblogging & User Engagement

Post by zay » Tue May 14, 2019 3:59 am

When I started this thread, I hadn’t seen that KBC actually has a comment/feedback form (one might not notice it, unless very keen). As far as I can tell, it appears this form is managed directly by KBC. If that is so, then congratulations to KBC management.

I also like the layout of KBC website - uncomplicated, therefore easy to navigate.

All that remains now is to make the moderated comments visible to readers on the website. This will encourage people to offer their opinions about articles on the website.

If that happens, then KBC will be the only big media that would be providing information about the true picture of what is happening in Kenya, since other big media in Kenya either use comment systems controlled by manipulative foreign companies, or do not allow public comments at all.

NB: How things change. Never thought I would ever want to watch/read KBC news. But now I know that KBC has the potential to be the goto media if one wants to get unbiased information about what is going on in Kenya.

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KBC, Microblogging & User Engagement

Post by zay » Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:48 am

tana wrote:
Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:04 am
“Tech companies “have acted like referees of a game in which they are also players, taking sides in political contests and the culture wars.”

Naturally, this also means being able to massively manipulate election results by controlling the flow of information and deplatforming independent voices…Real political power is found within the search algorithms and among the moderators of Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
googlearchipelago.jpg (29.22 KiB) Viewed 30812 times
Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom - Available at Amazon.

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KBC, Microblogging & User Engagement

Post by zay » Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:31 am

According to Jay Shapiro, CEO of Usiku Games, making the games free will allow mobile app gamers to enjoy…”
…according to Jay Shapiro, co-founder of Kenya-based Usiku Games…The Canadian entrepreneur hopes to shake up the games market in Kenya — and Africa — by offering not only the “adrenaline rush” of competing to win…
Shame on you KBC. How many times have you featured Kenyan app developers in your media/website? How many times have you featured Kenyan game developers in your media/website?

How many times have you featured Kenyan-owned mobile games companies in your media/website? How many times have you featured Kenyan-owned mobile app companies in your media/website?

Some Canadian ‘entrepreneur’ comes to Kenya, and is featured by Western media as a ‘Kenya-based mobile games company’, while the Kenyans actually developing the games have never, ever had any promotion by local media. Then, to make matters worse, these Western ‘entrepreneurs’ are also promoted by local media (while ignoring local app/game makers).

No wonder Africa lags behind.

The major difference between Kenya (and other African countries), and developed countries is that, in first world countries, local people who make things - the producers - are celebrated.

In Kenya and Africa, it is the opposite. A producer (especially in technical field) is only celebrated if he/she is from the West (or East), but not a local.

Its very bizarre. For instance, Kenyan media will prominently feature some hobbyist ‘who has made a helicopter’ (a joke really), but won’t feature Kenyan app/game developers who only need promotion to market their products because they have ZERO chance of getting any exposure through search engines or social media, regardless of how good their apps & games are.

ie the ‘system’ is heavily rigged against Africans in the tech world. Only to meet the same bias against them from local, African-owned media.

Schools are currently closed in Kenya. Pupils are supposed to be taught through Radio/TV/Online. Has anyone at KBC/Education ministry thought about incorporating Kenyan-made apps/games into the fun part of teaching-learning?

Imagine the motivational impact on the kids when learning using an app/game by Mike Otiato, or Carol Kirigiti, or Paul Cherogony…

NB: Why so many expatriate ‘tech entrepreneurs’ in Kenya? I mean, these are not technical people (computer scientists/programmers). All these Kenyan-based ‘tech-expatriates’ are some sort of ‘entrepreneurs’…

Never heard of a single Kenyan-based ‘tech-expatriate’ who is a Computer Science PhD or expert Programmer. There is a reason for this anomaly.

NOTE: In the West, a creative programmer, with good ideas, but without the cash - Tech entrepreneurs fund him, in exchange for shares. The programmer remains main owner of company.

In Kenya, expatriate ‘tech entrepreneurs’ sniff around for a creative programmer, with good ideas, but without the cash - They steal your ideas, and kick you out of ‘their’ company. They then hire some other Kenyans, paying them peanuts, while they claim all the glory.

It is a scam.

NOTE: Get PDF version of this articles here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1/

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KBC, Microblogging & User Engagement

Post by zay » Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:07 am

KBC has really improved.

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