Sabotage of Lamu Coal Plant

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Sabotage of Lamu Coal Plant

Post by tana » Thu Jun 06, 2019 9:24 am

I believe renewable energy like wind & solar is much preferable to coal, and that is why big companies around the world are using nuclear and coal power to build wind turbines and solar panels.

- In 2015, coal powered plants generated 34.0% of electricity in Japan.
- In 2018, coal powered plants generated 27.4% of electricity in the US.
- In 2017, coal powered plants generated 37% of electricity in Germany.
- At 07:25:00 GMT on 2019-06-06 nuclear powered plants generated 14.8% of electricity in the UK.
- In 2015, coal powered plants generated 72% of electricity in China.

- In 2016, nuclear powered plants generated 72.3% of electricity in France. ... _in_France
- In 2017, nuclear powered plants generated 32% of electricity in Switzerland. ... rland.aspx
- In 2015, coal powered plants generated 92.7% of electricity in South Africa. (This World Bank site has data for % of coal power in all countries in the world in 2015).

Electric cars do not pollute the environment, and are therefore much preferable to diesel/petrol engine cars. That is why big companies around the world are using nuclear and coal power to build and charge the cars.

Analogy: If you tell a starving man that he shouldn’t eat the food in front of him because it might have some negative effect on him, he will ignore you, eat to his satisfaction, and then tell you, “we can talk now. What were you saying?”

Points to Ponder:

1. Kenya urgently needs coal-powered plants to generate at least 3000 MW (stable, cheap power) by 2025 if the critical problem of unemployment is to be solved.

2. A Kenyan will oppose coal, and at the same time complain SGR is not electrified, and that there are no jobs.

3. Olkaria Geothermal Power Station has managed to produce 185 MW after more than 30 years of investment and upgrades. ... er_Station

4. Foreign entities fund NGOs in Kenya to oppose coal power plants, yet they have never funded a single renewable power plant (by funding, I don’t mean a loan, I mean a grant).

5. About coal and health. The toothpastes we use, the processed oils, butter, bread and other processed foods we eat, and factory made medicine we take, are all bad for our health. Or, why do you think there are so many cancer cases compared to 100 years ago?

These recent health problems are caused by “development” or modernity. If we could all agree to live life like our ancestors did 1,000 years ago, these health problems would cease.

But life expectancy would still go down because many more people would be dying during childbirth, due to common injuries, dysentery, consumption etc.


Kenya should immediately start coal-powered electricity generation, and also invest in renewable power production so that in future, the coal plants should be getting decommissioned and replaced by renewables/nuclear.

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Sabotage of Lamu Coal Plant

Post by tana » Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:17 am

When it comes to the proposed Lamu Coal-powered electricity generating plant, or any other power plant in Kenya, the only important factors to consider are:

1. The contractors/owners MUST pass the security test.
2. It should not be close to a populated area (at least 20 km away);
3. It should not sit on prime agricultural land;
4. It must be classified as safe by NEMA;

I hope the Lamu Coal plant passes no.1 test above, else, it must wait till it passes that test. I believe it passes nos 2-4. Therefore, if no.1 is true, the project should start right away. There are millions of Kenyan youth waiting in the wings to score jobs that are dependent on quick completion of that project.

If Kenya government were to be guided by foreign-funded NGOs and the “independent” press, nothing would ever get done in Kenya.

If I was working for a Kenyan NGO or for a Kenyan “independent” media, there is no way I would support the plant, since that would be the beginning of the end of my professional career.

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Sabotage of Lamu Coal Plant

Post by tana » Thu Jun 27, 2019 9:40 am

“The National Environment Tribunal (NET), has halted plans for the construction of country’s first ever coal powered plant near the coastal town of Lamu. NET cancelled the licence previously granted to Amu Power, the developer of the controversial Lamu Coal Plant…Earlier, campaign group DeCOAlonize had taken NEMA to court, saying it had not taken note of the adverse effects the project would have on farmlands and the local fishing industry.” ... oal-plant/

If the complaint was genuine, then it is Lamu people, and not NGOs, who would have been the (main) complainants.

A few years ago, a wind power project in a densely populated area in Nyandarua was rejected by the locals without the involvement of any NGO. A genuine complaint about an infrastracture project doesn’t require NGOs to push it.

Unemployed Kenyans blame the government, not NGOs or foreign saboteurs for their predicament. When Kenyans complain about poor infrastructure, higher electricity prices, high cost of living…they lay the blame (correctly) at the government, not NGOs or foreign saboteurs.

Therefore, every policy the government makes, it must be because it is good for the mwananchi, and not because it will please NGOs or foreign entities.

NGOs have been formed - and funded by foreign interests - specifically to sabotage LAPSSET and related infrastructure (including Lamu Coal Power Plant).

With this in mind, time to look at the judgement.

In this case, I cannot blame the judges for the decision they made. The pressure to kill the Lamu Coal Power Plant was enormous.

What happens next? One thing is certain: The foreign-funded NGOs will now increase their propaganda and incitement of the local people. Therefore, the chances that the project will ever go ahead is almost nil. And the sabotage of LAPSSET won’t end there.

Unless, the government changes tactics.

The National Environment Tribunal

“Its mandate is to hear disputes arising from decisions of the National Environment Management Authority on issuance, denial or revocation of licenses. It also deals with offences from the Kenya Wildlife Management Act and the Kenya Forests Act.” ... -tribunal/

Solution to the Problem of Economic Saboteurs Using the Tribunal to Stifle Economic Development: Change the mandate of the tribunal to read:

Its mandate is to hear disputes FOR PROJECTS WORTH NOT MORE THAN KES 5 BILLION arising from decisions of the National Environment Management Authority on issuance, denial or revocation of licenses…

FOR PROJECTS WORTH MORE THAN KES 5 BILLION, dispute to be solved by either cabinet or parliament.

Problem solved.

NB: I am no lawyer, but its clear the direction I think Kenya should take in these matters.

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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Fri May 06, 2022 10:02 am

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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Fri May 06, 2022 10:03 am

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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Fri May 06, 2022 10:05 am

Britain to open coal mine at Whitehaven. 1st coal mine in 30 years.

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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Sat May 21, 2022 2:13 am

CNBC: "Europe admits it’ll have to burn more coal as it tries to wean itself off Russian energy"

CNBC (Consumer News and Business Channel) is an American basic cable business news channel owned by NBCUniversal News Group, a division of NBCUniversal, with both indirectly owned by Comcast.


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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Mon May 23, 2022 9:00 am

"Japan is facing increasing pressure from its Group of Seven peers as the last country refusing to give up coal as the group prepares to promise coal-free power grids by the end of the 2030s." ... nergy-goal

coal_holdout_japan_faces_pressure.jpeg (79.6 KiB) Viewed 24794 times

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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Tue May 31, 2022 5:04 am

The Times (May 30, 2022): "[Britain] Ministers delay closure of coal-fired generators over fear of gas shortages caused by Ukraine war"

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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Sun Jun 19, 2022 11:55 am

Reuters (19 June 2022): "Germany's Economy Ministry, which is in charge of security of energy supply in Europe's top economy, said the new measures would include increased reliance on coal-fired power plants as well as an auction system to incentivise industry to consume less energy.

The ministry said bringing back coal-fired power plants into the mix could add about 10 gigawatts of capacity..." ... 022-06-19/

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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Tue Jun 21, 2022 9:30 am


"Dutch Are Reviving Coal Power Amid Russian Gas Squeeze...The Netherlands removed any limits on power production from coal-fired plants to help ensure energy security...

The Cabinet will immediately change a law that forced coal-fired power stations to operate at a maximum 35% of capacity in order to limit carbon-dioxide emissions, Climate and Energy Minister Rob Jetten said during a press conference Monday in The Hague. The plants now can operate at full capacity through 2024."


Posts: 226
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Coal Energy

Post by tana » Tue Jun 21, 2022 9:46 am

Verbund AG.jpeg

Bloomberg/Reuters: "Austria Returns to Coal Era in Hedge Against Russian Power Play...Austria is returning to the coal age, reviving use of the dirtiest fossil fuel to generate power as Russia curbs flows of natural gas to Europe.

State-controlled Verbund AG, Austria’s biggest utility and most valuable company, was ordered late Sunday to prepare its mothballed Mellach coal-fired station for operation. The plant, 200 kilometers (124 miles) south of Vienna, was shut two years ago as Austria became only the second European country to eliminate coal entirely from its electricity grid."

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