Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Kenya news.
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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:51 am

What happened in court yesterday? I have searched online, and I haven’t found anything. Even & Africa Express have nothing about what transpired in Malindi court yesterday, 2 September, 2019.

As usual, no Kenyan media has reported anything about the Silvia Romano case in Malindi court yesterday. Some media might report it as “news” several days later.

I am now curious. What is it that happened in court that no one wants to report?

If it was possible, I would head straight to Malindi and be reporting LIVE from court. I hope the office of DPP will inform the world about what happened in court yesterday. As at this time, @ODPP_KE has not yet tweeted about yesterday’s events.

I hope at least either the DPP or DCI will tweet about it soon.

NB: I find it very odd that even after @ODPP_KE has very bravely pinned a tweet about the Silvia Romano case, apparently, Kenyans are not talking about it online (haven’t seen any mention of Silvia Romano by a Kenyan online). Or, is it possible that Kenyans are writing about it, but the guardians-of-the-internet are blocking the articles/tweets from view?

I hope a courageous person who has video or info about what transpired in court yesterday can send it to me, and I will post it here.


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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:05 am

Finally, 48 hours after the Silvia Romano alleged kidnappers’ court session on Monday, one website has reported that the Chief Magistrate postponed the trial to October. Whether that is true, we do not know.

NOTE: There were journalists and the general public in court, but NO ONE reported about it, until 2 days later. I know that by Wednesday (yesterday), no local media house had reported about what happened in the Malindi court on 2 September, and search engine queries about the matter returned NULL results.

Therefore, we can make the conclusion that either no media reported about the trial, or the search engines hid the results.

Back to the government-owned KNA & KBC. Why are they giving the trial a blackout? Are the CEOs to blame?

Personally, I don’t think the CEOs of KNA & KBC can be blamed for refusing to cover the Silvia Romano trial. And this is my reasons:

1. You are the CEO of KNA or KBC. You tell a producer/journalist that you want him to go and report on the Silvia Romano trial in Malindi. He informs you that his doctor warned him never to go within 10 kilometres of the ocean.

2. You are the CEO of KNA or KBC. You tell a producer/journalist that you want him to go and report on the Silvia Romano trial in Malindi. He tells you that he has a wife and kids…

I think that the danger people are associating with reporting on the Silvia Romano case is a bit exaggerated. All that the CEOs of KNA & KBC need to do, is to offer extra pay to a producer/journalist who will be brave enough to volunteer to cover the trial.

The producer/journalist will, of course, need to be provided with a driver cum bodyguard for the duration of the trial. The driver/bodyguard accompanies him to court, and accompanies him as he does his shopping etc. The journalist will be safe, as long as:
1. He doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol.
2. He does all his business during the day, and stays indoors at night.

The problem with a producer/journalist who takes alcohol is that he might decide to go out for a drink at night without his bodyguard. And if that happens, they will bury him right next to the other 2 Silvia Romano kidnappers

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Thu Sep 05, 2019 6:56 am

Is Silvia Romano in danger?

Ben Zygier was an Australian-Israeli citizen who was a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces and allegedly an agent of Mossad. He was imprisoned in Ayalon Prison, Ramla, Israel and died in custody in 2010…Prisoner X, Mr. X and Mister X were placeholder names for him while he was being held in strict secrecy for unspecified crimes…Other names [Used to hide Ben Zygier’s identity while in Israeli prison] were Ben Alon, Ben Allen, Benjamin Burrows.”

Ben Zygier and Israeli’s Abuse of Australian Passports

The life and strange death of Prisoner X

Mossad has come under criticism many times for using the passports and identities of citizens of foreign countries.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Sun Sep 08, 2019 5:13 am

Finally, 48 hours after the Silvia Romano alleged kidnappers’ court session on Monday, one website has reported that the Chief Magistrate postponed the trial to October. Whether that is true, we do not know.

NOTE: There were journalists and the general public in court, but NO ONE reported about it, until 2 days later. I know that by Wednesday (yesterday), no local media house had reported about what happened in the Malindi court on 2 September, and search engine queries about the matter returned NULL results.
The fact that some Kenyan media houses had reported about the Silvia Romano case last month, and completely refused to report about the recent court session, can only mean one thing: The media houses feel threatened by powerful forces, who have made it clear to them that they don’t want the Silvia Romano matter publicised.

And how would powerful forces make such a threat? This how I think they have done it (speculating here): Each of the media houses publish dozens of webpages on their websites, including one about Silvia Romano. All webpages, less the Silvia Romano url, are indexed by the search engines.

The bosses at the media houses understand the threat, and decide not to take any chances. Result - blackout of Silvia Romano alleged kidnappers’ court case.

Suppose Kenya was ruled by dictator Idi Amin, and he heard that local media is being arm-twisted by powerful foreign entities not to report on a matter happening in Kenya - the Silvia Romano case.

President Amin would probably do the following:
1. Order the renaming of Malindi Airport to Silvia Romano Airport.
2. Order the renaming of the Malindi - Chakama highway to Silvia Romano Highway (Ms Romano was kidnapped in Chakama village).
3. Order that all meetings with visiting foreign dignitaries start with a 1 minute silence in remembrance of Silvia Romano.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:45 am

It is now 295 days since Silvia Romano was kidnapped in Chakama, Kilifi. She was kidnapped when she was 23 years old, and now she is already 24 years old.

The trial of the suspects accused of kidnapping her will, apparently, continue in October, 2019. Not sure about the exact date, because it is extremely difficult to find any information about Silvia Romano online, and there is a media blackout about her in Kenya, and globally.

It is likely that Silvia was livid when she learnt about this thread. But now I believe that she is glad that someone is writing about her, since she has reason to fear that “they” might liquidate her, and lay the blame on the 2 ghosts“missing kidnappers”, who she knows lie dead and buried in Tsavo East National Park.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:17 am

I am back. Been looking everywhere for any info about the next court date for the 3 suspects (Abdulla Gababa Wario, Moses Luwali Chembe & Ibrahim Adhan Omar) in the kidnapping case of Silvia Romano, and I am hitting blanks.

I have now written to the relevant authorities, and I am hoping they will reply with info about the status of the trial. When they reply, I will write about the upcoming court date here, and also details about what happened during the suspects’ last court appearance (if that info will be included in their reply).

Meanwhile, according to an Italian newspaper called Il Giorno, Silvia’s father is called Enzo Romano. ... -1.4781532

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:34 am

I have finally discovered why not a single person who attended the court trial of the Silvia Romano kidnapping suspects in Malindi court on 2 September, 2019, has said anything about what transpired.

This is why no one wants to risk being quoted about what happened in court on that day: The suspects stated that, after kidnapping Silvia, they were later ambushed by a “heavily-armed group, made up of wazungu-looking people”.

The three suspects managed to escape by riding away in two motorcycles, while their two associates, who were riding on one motorbike together with Ms Romano, were not so lucky.

(Earlier reported on this thread that the 2 motorbikes are in court as exhibits, as image below shows)

The reason why nobody wants to talk about the next court date for the trio is because, the court is expected to visit the place where the suspects were ambushed by the “wazungu-looking” armed men.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:53 am

According to this article (quoted on page 3 of this thread), Davide Ciarrapica and Rama Hamisi Bindo are persons of interest in the kidnapping of Silvia Romano.
Silvia arriva per la prima volta in Kenya il 22 luglio dell’anno scorso. Aveva conosciuto un italiano, Davide Ciarrapica durante una festa di beneficenza…

Perché? “Accadevano cose poco corrette e imbarazzanti. Tornate a casa, le mie figlie riferivano di strani atteggiamenti di Davide e del suo socio, Rama Hamisi Bindo”. Il pianto continua a dirotto.
It does not appear like any of the two men has been interviewed by the police. Why? If I was investigating this case, I would do the following:

1. Interview Mr Ciarrapica and Mr Bindo. Check whether they have verifiable alibis for the day and time Silvia was kidnapped. If they have solid alibis, I would investigate to know why some people wanted to frame them for the crime.

2. Put maximum effort to find the bodies of the 2 “missing kidnappers”. Since the surviving kidnappers have already identified the exact place where they were attacked by Wazungu-looking “heavily-armed” men, I would take a beeline from that position to the nearest boundary of Tsavo East National Park, and start searching for the graves there.

Since the “heavily-armed” men who “rescued” Silvia, and killed the 2 “missing kidnappers” were not expecting the kidnapping to happen, they did not have time to plan where they would dispose the bodies of their dead victims.

It is therefore very likely that they buried the bodies very near the edge of the park.

If the 2 bodies are found, autopsies would give clues about the weapon(s) used to execute them. That would provide invaluable information about who the Wazungu-looking men are, and therefore, the possible location of Silvia Romano.

To bring this case to closure, it is very necessary to find Silvia.


Dated 1 October -
According to the AGI [Italian intelligence agency?], the Milanese volunteer [Silvia Romano] would probably be in Somalia and in good health and therefore negotiations would already have begun with her current hijackers to bring her back to her homeland. ... ilita.html (Italian language)
According to Africa Express, the next court date for the 3 men accused of kidnapping Silvia will be 24th October, in Malindi.

Dated 17 October -
Silvia Romano would have been forced to convert to Islam, study the religion of Muhammad, to marry a local lord who holds her captive in the south of Somalia. This is the synthesis of two articles that appeared in two consecutive days in a daily newspaper in Milan. ... ia-romano/ (Italian language)

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:18 am

According to my friend Mr Massimo A. Alberizzi (owner Africa Express & Corriere della Sera Africa correspondent), the trial for the Silvia Romano kidnapping suspects - Abdulla Gababa Wario, Moses Luwali Chembe & Ibrahim Adhan Omar - is on 14, 15, and 20 November, 2019, in Malindi court, presided by Chief Magistrate Dr Julie Oseko, with Ms Alice Mathangani prosecuting.

I have searched online for any information about the matter, and hit a wall. Nothing.

There is a website that has (or appears to have) info on all court case files in Kenya ( Using search engines, they show the following page as having information about the Romano suspects’ case in Malindi -

I have searched that page twice, and has not seen anything about the Romano suspects’ case. Maybe I didn’t search properly. Who knows. When it comes to Silvia Romano, it is mystery after mystery.

The Silvia Romano story - One of the most censored stories ever.

Will the Romano suspects’ case proceed on Thursday this week?

Where is Ms Silvia Romano? On 20 November, 2019, it will be exactly 1 year since she was kidnapped in Chakama village in Kilifi County.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:34 am

Kenyan Media Finally Breaks Silvia Romano Omertà
The mystery into the abduction of Italian volunteer Silvia Romano by gunmen in Malindi last year continues to deepen after one of the three key suspects facing trial over the abduction absconded court.

This prompted Malindi Chief Magistrate Julie Oseko to issue a warrant of arrest against Mr Ibrahim Adan Omar who was arrested and an AK-47 rifle seized from him.

Two other suspects, Yusuf Kuno Adan and Said Adan Abdi, are still on the run.

Mr Abdulla Gababa Wario and Mr Moses Luwali, who were charged alongside Mr Omar with abduction and terrorism attended court session. ... index.html
Well done Kenya’s Nation Media. However, there is room for improvement.

Kenyan courts do not sit on weekends. Therefore, the fact that this matter is being reported on Sunday, means that it is a story that is several days old. Hopefully, next time Nation Media will report promptly news about Silvia Romano.

Now that the omertà is now broken, the media should tell us more about the Silvia Romano mystery - more about the missing ghosts Yusuf Kuno Adan and Said Adan Abdi, and possible location of Ms Romano.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:41 am

Mr Massimo A. Alberizzi has written about the ongoing trial of the kidnappers of Silvia Romano.

Translation from Italian.
Malindi, 14 March 2020: The trial against three of the defendants for the abduction of Silvia Romano, whose last two hearings were planned on 11 and 12 March, are “skipped”. The judge, Julie Oseko will not be there for a month. Holiday, work commitments, health issues? We do not know. No one at the palace of justice in Malindi can give an explanation.”
According to the article above, the trial of the kidnappers of Silvia Romano has been postponed, with no reasons given. Anyway, due to the coronavirus, Kenyan courts have scaled down operations, therefore, several ongoing court cases will be delayed.

When is the next court date for Silvia kidnappers? Who knows.
The Judiciary has resolved to scale down court activities for two weeks in compliance with the Government’s directives to fight the spread of Coronavirus.
What is known is this: An ambitious Nairobi-based blogger decided to hit the big league by writing about Silvia Romano. He travelled to Mombasa and looked for the offices of a well-known NGO based in the city.

When he told the gentleman who runs the NGO that he wanted to interview him about Silvia Romano, the human rights activist started sweating. He started trembling uncontrollably. His hands were trembling. His lips were shaking. His teeth were shaking, too.

And he also wet his pants.

Needless to say, the blogger traveled back to Nairobi without any story about the missing Italian lady.

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Silvia Romano Kidnap: The Real Story

Post by fourier » Sun May 10, 2020 9:11 am

Silvia Romano, an Italian aid worker who was kidnapped in Kenya 18 months ago, has been freed and is expected back in Italy on Sunday, the Italian government announced on Saturday…

Speaking to state broadcaster RAI, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said Romano was found in Somalia and was released thanks to the external intelligence agency.”
Very good news to learn that Silvia Romano is now free.

However, to suggest that Ms Romano has been held hostage in Somalia for the past year and a half is to take us for fools. It is impossible that Al Shabaab kidnapped Silvia and didn’t gloat about it.


Al Shabaab and other terrorist organisations love publicity. It helps them gain more recruits. It makes them get more funding.

The fact that Al Shabab, or any other terrorist organisation, never claimed responsibility for kidnapping Silvia means only one thing - they were not involved.

BTW: Al Shabaab objectives are not what many people think they are. If it is about Somalia, why have they recruited many non-Somali Kenyans, and even some Ugandans and Tanzanians?

This Silvia Romano saga proves why “they” do everything to make sure they have a stooge as president in African countries.

For Silvia to be whisked into Somalia recently so she can be “rescued”, the government in Mogadishu must have cooperated, in exchange for financial and other gains (they have had a lot of financial gains - from international bankers - recently). Maybe they were also “guaranteed” that the border dispute with Kenya will be decided in their favour, if they cooperated.

If ransom was paid for Silvia Romano, then top officials in Mogadishu definitely had their cut.

Federico Fellini: “Non c’è fine. Non c’è inizio. C’è solo una infinita passione per la vita.”

Chinua Achebe: “The lizard that jumped from high Iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did.”

Mbîrimû wa Thakathibû [Sailed from Mombasa to London in 1564 & changed his name to William Shakespeare]: “Kîhooto kiunaga ûta mûgeete.”

Me: “I have saved Silvia Romano’s life.”
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