Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Kenya news.
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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:19 pm

My online search for Kenyan Search Engine returned only 2 relevant results:
1. Described as “A searchable directory of East African sites”.
2. Described as “A Kenyan search engine developed by 3 KCA University students”.

Unfortunately, none of the websites above appear to be active. The information about the search engines indicate that they were online more than 10 years ago.

If there were Kenyan search engines more than 10 years ago, why is there none currently? Anyway, it means that Kenya can develop a top-class Kenyan Search Engine within 1 year, if all effort is put into the project.

The Kenyan Search Engine should be developed/owned by the Kenyan government.

If the Kenyan Search Engine is developed now, there is a high probability that it will lead to Kenya’s GDP doubling within 5 years.

I know many Kenyans would doubt this assertion, because they don’t realise how necessary that search engine is, and that lack of it has a major negative effect on economic growth..

If you follow the links above, you will understand that there are powerful foreign entities that have for years utilised thousands of IT experts to manipulate search results regarding Kenya, and also to propel Kenyans who don’t think for themselves to the top on social media platforms.

Do you think these powerful entities have done all that work for fun?

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:47 am

If Kenya were to launch the new search engine soon, Kenya will become the first country in Africa to slay the dragon of neocolonialism.

How exactly can the search engine lead to the doubling of Kenyan GDP in 5 years? There are dozens of ways Kenyan economy would gain because of this search engine, but I will just highlight one for now.

In the past 10 years, Kenya has been hit by terror acts several times. In all these terrorism cases, Somalia-based al Shabaab has been responsible (they have proudly claimed responsibility).

Perhaps quite shocking to most Kenyans is the fact that more than two-thirds of the perpetrators of these terror acts are actually Kenyans.

Indeed, a closer look at how the terror acts by al Shabaab in Kenya are carried out shows that, if there were no Kenyan recruits in the organisation, its very likely that most of the terror plots would not have succeeded.

Therefore, if Kenya found a way to completely cut off the al Shabaab from recruiting Kenyans, the country’s security would greatly improve.

This is where the Kenyan search engine comes in.

Kenyans who join al Shabaab believe that the terror organisation is fighting the global-powers-that-be, of which Kenya is allegedly a close ally. The reality is, of course, the opposite, but what matters here is that the recruits believe this fallacy.

The global-powers-that-be know this. Yet, they have actively helped perpetuate this fallacy through their manipulation of information flow using their search engine and social media monopoly.

With the Kenyan search engine in place, the following would happen:

A person interested in this matter can write an article with data showing many social media users who support al Shabaab openly, and whose accounts are still active Vs data of many users whose accounts were disabled because of very minor issues (not related to crime/terrorism).

The purpose of the article will be to show that the global-powers-that-be support, or at least are sympathetic to, al Shabaab.

The article will naturally need to include more details, but what is important is that, such an article written currently will automatically be shadow banned by search engines and social media sites. Therefore, the public will not know about it.

With a Kenyan search engine, such an article should be indexed normally, and reach the intended audience.

Looking at this issue optimistically, there would then be an interesting debate in Kenya about the fact that al Shabaab is actually used by powerful people from outside Africa to destabilise already poor countries.

Who would like to join such an organisation? What would happen if these facts reach the already active al Shabaab members in Somalia?

Without Kenyans being recruited into al Shabaab, the peace that would follow would greatly boost Kenya’s tourism, and open up for business the almost-closed eastern half of the country.

1. Once again, I emphasise that I am not suggesting that Kenya antagonise anyone. Actually, the global-powers-that-be wouldn’t demand that Kenya should not create the search engine, because they wouldn’t like to be seen to be supporting al Shabaab or other local criminals.

The global-powers-that-be believe other people are too stupid to figure out these things.

2. The global-powers-that-be are behind Africa’s neocolonialism. Or, in simple terms, research who are the shadowy, powerful protectors of al Shabaab. They are behind Africa’s current economic, social and security problems.

3. I read somewhere that there’s nothing like neocolonialism, since it is Africans themselves who are stealing from their countries.

When Kenya became independent, the government identified ignorance as one of the 3 diseases that must be fought head-on for the country to move forward. Clearly, this disease is yet to be eradicated.

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:42 am

Suppose ICT ministry teamed up with the Computer Science department of one of the top public universities - e.g UoN - to develop the Kenyan Search Engine? They will jointly own the resulting Search Engine.

Eventually, the Kenyan Search Engine could be a source of revenue for the university.

NB: Anyone noticed how a hyped-up document - that was being described online as having something like 60%+ support in certain counties - has emerged as really having around 0% support in those counties?

How is this possible? It is INFORMATION MANIPULATION by you-know-who. Obviously, the problem of information manipulation in Kenya is at a critical stage, and a search engine on its own is not enough to solve this problem.

However, I view the search engine as the FOUNDATION that is needed, so that other strategies to counter the info manipulation will become successful.
1. This project can only succeed if done by the Kenyan government, not a private company. The government has 2 advantages over a private company (even if wholly owned by Kenyans): (a) The government would be able to promote it much more easily, so many Kenyans would get to know about it quickly, (b) A private company can - and will - be bought, by the same people who made us want a Kenyan search engine in the first place. It will then not be any different from the other biased search engines that produce rigged results regarding Kenya.

2. There are more than 190 countries in the world. What is so unique about Kenya that it requires its own search engine, while others don’t?

Actually, there are many countries with search engines, it is only that they are not owned by the government. However, I am not aware of any African based search engine.

Kenya is unique in that the-people-who-control-the-internet-globally have identified Kenya as a top priority country that they must conquer as soon as possible. Not only that, they are actively working towards conquering Kenya, and are using the search engines that Kenyans currently use, to do that.

3. If the government creates this search engine, won’t it antagonise these very powerful people?

If someone wants to kill you, will you say that you won’t reinforce your door because he might note that you are doing that to prevent him from killing you?

The Kenyan search engine will make it possible for Kenyans to access positive stories about the country, easily access music, folktales, poetry, and many other Kenyan material that is online but difficult, or impossible, to access currently.

4. You must be joking. The so-called Kenyan search engine is not a priority. Priorities in Kenya are food, jobs…

The search engine will create jobs. About food, security etc. Corruption has brought problems in these areas. The search engine will aid corruption fight because Kenyans who use it will support the fight against corruption because they will no longer be brainwashed by fake news and hate speech that make it difficult to fight corruption.

5. Kenya can go ahead and have a referendum to change the constitution so that it serves the country better. Without the Kenyan search engine, this is extremely difficult.

6. With the Kenyan search engine, Kenyans will get to know about other social media sites that are not controlled by the-people-who-control-the-internet-globally. Furthermore, Kenyans would have their sites/apps, that are currently hidden, become indexed.

7. Creating the Kenya search engine poses zero risk to the country. If powerful entities complain about a certain indexed url, the engineers managing the Kenyan search engine will simply remove it from the results.

8. The Kenyan search engine might eventually grow to become a local giant. If the Kenyan unbiased search engine becomes popular locally, they can add a Ugandan, Rwandan engines etc.

9. Currently, the popular search engines favour “Kenyan” websites that are used to slander patriotic Kenyans (who the-people-who-control-the-internet-globally see as a threat to their plans to conquer and destroy Kenya).

On the other hand, they promote shadowy characters as Kenyan heroes. This shadowy characters, will, of course, be on the anti-Kenya side of the referendum, and since they have the backing of the-people-who-control-the-internet-globally, Kenya would be in trouble.

A Kenyan search engine would pre-empt, or ameliorate, this problem.

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:14 am

Power of Propaganda: Prominent online propagandists state that the Suswa SGR station is in the middle of nowhere.

FACT: As map below shows, it is actually only 45 KM from Nairobi outskirts, as the crow flies.

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:15 am

Power of Propaganda: Prominent online propagandists state that the Nairobi - Naivasha SGR terminates at a prominent family’s farm in Naivasha.

FACT: As map below shows, that FARM (it is situated past Naivasha town, on Naivasha - Nakuru road) is actually more than 40 KM from Suswa SGR station, as the crow flies.

Although this phase is called Nairobi - Naivasha SGR, it actually terminates in Narok County (Suswa SGR station), while Naivasha is in Nakuru County. The initiators of the propaganda know this, of course.

Mark Twain: “Never let the truth get in the way of a good propaganda story.”
SuswaSGR_farm.jpg (33.8 KiB) Viewed 14622 times
Tell a lie many times, and people will believe it.

Problem: In Kenya, this propaganda is swallowed hook, line and sinker by many people, including prominent media journalists.

The people who start these rumours know they are lying, but unfortunately, most recipients of the propaganda do not realize that.

Imagine a constitution draft being discussed under the prevailing circumstances, where propaganda is more prominent than truth?

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Sat Nov 16, 2019 2:37 pm

If I told a random Kenyan that his stand on major Kenyan political matters is heavily influenced by, or controlled by the Global Mafia, he would most likely call me crazy, or say I must be paranoid or a conspiracy theorist.

Yet, the truth is that many Kenyans’ stand on major Kenyan political matters is heavily controlled by the Global Mafia.

Most people do not realise how determined the Global Mafia is to accomplish their objectives. And conquering Kenya is right up there in terms of their priorities currently.

I will write about something that happened to me recently, to show how determined the Global Mafia is to achieve their objectives.

TRUE STORY: A few months ago, I received an email from someone close to me, though we have not been in regular contact for years.

In the email, he told me about a certain political-social matter that is commonly discussed in Kenya. I noticed several unusual things in that email:

1. He presented what he said was the super-majority opinion of locals regarding the matter, a kind of “kwa ground” people had formed an opinion regarding the matter, an opinion that was very different from what I would normally expect.

2. He did not say directly that, that was his opinion, too. He presented it as a kind of fait accompli i.e. it was the super-majority opinion of Kenyans. Reading between the lines, what he was saying was that, even if I, or anybody else held a contrary opinion regarding the matter, it would be a waste of time to try to present it to the public.

Reading between the lines, it was obvious that the gentleman also supported the so-called majority opinion. What surprised me was that he seemed quite excited about the matter, something I thought was quite odd.

This is someone I know very well. And he knows me well too. Therefore, he most likely knew that I would probably hold an opinion that was opposite to what he said was the popular opinion kwa ground.

I concluded that, either his email had been hijacked, or, he had been brainwashed.

Anyway, I didn’t know what to say in my reply, especially considering my reservations about the author of that email. I replied after a few weeks, cautiously avoiding to contradict him, or state my opinion on the matter. But I wrote the email in such a way that I expected him to reply, and clear the air on certain aspects of the political-social matter..

He replied after a few days. Once again, his reply seemed odd. I asked myself again; was his email hijacked, or, had he been completely brainwashed?

This time, I decided to find out what was going on, by emailing him, and asking him a question only him would know the answer.

And for the first time ever, that email bounced back to me. I wrote it again. Same result. Again, same result. The email had been blocked. Through other means, I confirmed he had not made any changes to his email.


Can there be any other conclusion, than to say the Global Mafia had hijacked his email, and was using it to communicate with me (through impersonation)?

If the Global Mafia can do that to me, knowing very well that I know about them, how much are they currently doing to millions of Kenyans (bombarding them with propaganda), who do not know about the existence of the Global Mafia?

Kwa ground vitu ni different: How many times is this phrase used to mislead Kenyans, that their opinion is in the minority? How many of such accounts belong to the Global Mafia?

How many thousands of Kenyans have been made to believe certain political-social positions are necessary, because “people they respect” hold those opinions (impersonation)?

How many accounts does the Global Mafia have on Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram and other platforms, that they use to brainwash Kenyans?

NOTE: If Kenyans understood how obsessed the Global Mafia is with Kenya, and the things they have been doing as they attempt to conquer the country, Kenyans would be shocked.

For instance, a Kenyan might be in a WhatsApp group of 100 members. The Global Mafia sees the potential of the group to shape public opinion, and decide to join. A Kenyan might expect that, the Global Mafia would send in 5 members/accounts to try and push their opinion.

That is not how the Global Mafia operates. They would add something like 200 accounts, making it a 300 member WhatsApp group - 100 “normal” members + 200 Global Mafia accounts.

Within a short time, the Global Mafia’s opinion, will be the WhatsApp group’s dominant opinion. If a “normal” member has a certain opinion, and is opposed and ridiculed by 200 members, what do you think would happen eventually?

That is why the PRO-CORRUPTION political grouping in Kenya is so bold. They continuously get a lot of praise/support on Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram and other platforms. And most of these supporters, probably 70% or more, are the Global Mafia accounts (of course, the PRO-CORRUPTION political group members do not know this; they believe the WhatsApp/online support is all from genuine Kenyans).

The Global Mafia supports the PRO-CORRUPTION political grouping because they don’t wish Kenya well.

That is why Kenya urgently needs at the minimum, a well-supported Search Engine & Microblogging platform. If Kenya went to a general election without these platforms, the country could be in serious trouble.

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:43 am

Some Kenyans have already figured that certain uniquely Kenyan information is blocked by all websites, including “Kenyan” websites. They have discovered that, whenever they try to discuss certain normally non-controversial Kenyan issues, their posts are deleted, and they are sometimes blocked from accessing these websites.

Some Kenyans have discovered that something is going on - it is not normal for certain normally non-controversial issues to be blocked by all the websites they know of.

NOTE: If you were old enough 15 years ago (18+ years 15 years ago, meaning 33+ years old currently), and was always interested in IT issues, then you know you never saw anything like described above, 15 years ago.

What has happened between 15 years ago and now, such that certain non-controversial topics are now totally banned online?

The answer to the question above would require a whole book to explain. In summary, it is answered by the title of this thread.

I would like to add the following: There are many topics, some important, others not important, that are discussed “freely online”. However, the fact that many other topics are blocked from being discussed online can only mean that even the topics that appear un-interfered with, are actually manipulated to fit a certain narrative.

ANALOGY: If a certain website/media asks: What is the most popular football team in Kenya? If you are allowed to say Gor Mahia, yet if someone says AFC Leopards, his answer is deleted (or the person’s IP banned), can we then say the first answer is correct (even if many people agree with it)?

If the first answer is correct (or popular), then why are they blocking the second answer? In a free, unbiased environment, all answers will be allowed, and people encouraged to discuss (or vote for) the answer they agree with.

Generally, we know about websites, apps, and many other platforms and topics using search engines. In today’s world, allowing a small group of people to have a search engine monopoly in a certain country, is equivalent to a small group of people having a roads construction/maintenace+electricity+water monopoly in that country.

Can you imagine a private company having a roads+electricity+water monopoly in the whole of Kenya? That they can decide from tomorrow, Nakuru town will not have electricity+water, and all roads to and out of Nakuru will be blocked, because of a debt, or whatever?

If the above is too shocking to even imagine, what if the company with that monopoly is foreign-owned and based?

The issue of search engine/social media monopoly and rigging + issue of software/hardware backdoors is very, very complex, and I don’t want to digress into that. My prediction is that, in the near future, some of these offences will be treated as criminal offences (meaning long jail terms for guilty tech CEOs, with hefty financial penalties), and some big tech companies would collapse as a result.

However, until that time comes, the African country that will establish a 100% locally-owned, unbiased search engine FIRST, will very likely be on the running to become the most prosperous country in Africa within a few years.

The above is an exaggeration? Addressing Kenyans who were 18+ years old in 2003: Do you remember when Kenya was laying its first fibre optic cable? Do you remember even international media gushing at how Kenya will become the tech capital of Africa?

Do you know that a lot of “tech expatriates” came to Kenya in 2000s & early 2010s?

You know that the Kenyan tech miracle has not happened. Do you know that the “tech expatriates” did not leave, even when the Kenyan tech miracle did not materialise?

Like a well-known Kenyan likes to say on Twitter - THINK!

RE-EMPHASIS About What I Mean by Kenyan Search Engine:

1. 100% owned by Kenyan citizens (preferably GoK or GoK/University joint ownership);

2. MUST be hosted in Kenya (Servers based in Kenya).

If another African country beat Kenya to it, their search engine will only have the effect described here if it satisfies the 2 conditions above, substituting Kenya for the country.

If the Kenyan search engine came online, and was advertised in local media & online, articles written about it in GoK-owned media etc. so that it captures 5% or more of search engine use in Kenya in the first few months, that will bring a revolution in Kenya.

If that were to happen, in a few years, the IT sector would become one of the biggest employers in Kenya.

NB: If you control all means of communication, you can make people believe any BS you want. For instance, prominent tech companies have convinced people that they have employed “human-fact-checkers” to filter out fake news.

Companies that have software employing such advanced algorithms that they even run driverless cars, have convinced the world that they are incapable of writing code that can filter out fake news. And people believe it.

Companies that have thrived because of fake news, obviously, cannot be expected to REALLY want to filter out fake news. Indeed, the work of the “human-fact-checkers” is to filter out most real news, and keep most of the fake news.

This cannot be done by code because they would be found out.

Back to Kenyan Search Engine: To be even more different from what is already out there, its algorithms must be based on logic, not rigging. It should have an algorithm that automatically filters out fake news/fake info from top pages.

If the Kenyan Search Engine becomes reality, for the first time in over a decade, Kenyans online will have access to an unbiased Fake-News-free search engine.

I know of one algorithm that would filter out fake news/fake info from the Kenyan Search Engine (will write about in the very near future).

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:04 am

“Tech companies “have acted like referees of a game in which they are also players, taking sides in political contests and the culture wars.”

Naturally, this also means being able to massively manipulate election results by controlling the flow of information and deplatforming independent voices…Real political power is found within the search algorithms and among the moderators of Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom - Available at Amazon.

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:39 pm

If we could place a number on the value of Kenyan Search Engine to Kenyan economy, and a random Kenyan told me he thought the value is X, I would tell him it is not X, it is 1000X. Let me use physical infrastructure example to explain what I think about the importance of a Kenyan Search Engine.

Suppose we have people living in a completely isolated village with NO:

- roads connecting the village to the rest of the country;
- electricity;
- telephone lines (Fibre)/mobile connectivity;
- Radio/TV reception.

In such a village, it is virtually impossible for residents to succeed economically, regardless of how creative or hardworking they are. They are extremely disadvantaged.

If the government builds a road that now connects that village to the rest of the country, some residents might get the opportunity to venture out of the village, or to start some business that would improve their economic situation.

What if the govt also connects the village to electricity? What about if they also get mobile connectivity and radio/TV reception? Definitely, the economy of that village will change for the better, significantly.

In my view, in terms of modern tech-related economy, connecting the above previously isolated village with roads & electricity is equivalent to having a truly Kenyan Search Engine.

Connecting the above previously isolated village with telephone lines (Fibre)/mobile connectivity & Radio/TV reception is equivalent to having a truly Kenyan Social Media Platform.

That is how important I view 100% Kenyan Search Engine & Social Media Platform.

Maybe I am a dreamer, but I view the impact that a Kenyan Search Engine & Social Media Platform, supported by the Kenyan government, would have on Kenyan economy and social development as equivalent to that of the first railway from Mombasa to Kisumu and Kampala.

Since only GoK has the capability to give us the Kenyan Search Engine & Social Media Platform, I hope someone who comes across this thread will send a message to the senior people at ICT ministry to kindly make it happen.

A lot of jobs are only waiting for the above to happen, and they will become reality. Jobs for all Kenyans, mostly the youth.

If Kenyan Search Engine & Kenyan Social Media Platform become reality soon, innovative Kenyans will do the rest. Kenya would never be the same again.

With a Kenyan Search Engine, the opportunities for tech-oriented Kenyans to thrive are infinite.

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:56 am

Achievements of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Cabinet Secretaries in Kenya:

1. Mutahi Kagwe (ICT CS 2005 - 2007): “As Cabinet Minister he spearheaded the construction of the transformational East African Marine System (T.E.A.M.S) – The first Fibre Optic Project for Eastern Africa. It was during his term as Cabinet Minister that Kenya launched ‘Mpesa’, the world's first ever money transfer system.”

2. Dr. Fred Matiang'i (ICT CS 2013 - 2015): “He was first appointed as the Minister in charge of ICT, where he oversaw the successful migration from analogue to digital. Despite resistance from a group of industry players, Matiang’i stood his ground, making Kenya one of Africa’s first nations to migrate to the digital era. ... -matiangi/

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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Tue Mar 03, 2020 4:04 am


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Kenyan Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

Post by tana » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:22 am

When one talks about this topic of Search Engine rigging, a person who is not conversant with the tech world may not believe widespread rigging happens. Further, such a person may think this matter is exaggerated.


I will now provide a QUANTIFIABLE way anyone can do the test and prove that the above statement is true.


1. Pick a random Western country e.g. UK, Canada, Sweden…

2. Using any of the prominent search engines eg Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Yandex…search for:
(a) {Country} Forums eg German Forums…Record the top 20 search results (websites/forums).
(b) {Country} Forum eg Italy Forum…Record the top 20 websites results (websites/forums).

3. For each of the 20 results (websites) in (a) & (b) above, record:

(i) Domain Registrar & country of the registrar;
(ii) Domain Host & country of the host;

4. Repeat all the steps above for Kenya Forums & Kenya Forum.

Study the results.

Repeat steps 1-4 for other search words. The pattern is too obvious to miss.

I have done such a study and found that for the Western country, ALL the 20 Websites’/forums’ registrars & Hosts were from that country. In the Kenyan case, of the 20 ‘Kenyan’ Websites/Forums, only 1 was registered or hosted in Kenya.

Why is this significant? Because if you are a Kenyan website/forum, dealing mostly with Kenyan issues, being registered in Kenya means YOU HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE.

Recall the politician who demanded Google produce details about a certain Google-hosted ‘Kenyan’ website that she claimed had slandered her? Google refused to cooperate, and Google-Kenya claimed they had nothing to do with anything hosted by Google head office.

That is how top-ranked ‘Kenyan’ websites are used to slander and extort people, and nothing can be done about it.

Furthermore, the Western Search Engines promote/rank well ‘Kenyan’ websites whose owners have a certain political inclination - a political philosophy that is anti-Kenya. If a website owner is a Kenyan patriot, he/she is automatically shadow banned.

TEST: Visit the top-ranked ‘Kenyan’ websites/forums, and search for the words “shadow banned”. You will get very interesting results.

I believe that one day, Kenyans will have access to a search engine that will provide true Kenyan websites whenever a person searched for Kenyan issues.


Would Baidu step in and help Africa FREE itself from the current INFORMATION COLONIALISM?

It would be great if BAIDU decided to tap the big Africa market, by providing an English language search engine that would properly rank African websites.

The major difference between a company like Baidu (and other Chinese Tech companies), and Google, Facebook, and other Western BigTech is this:

Chinese companies main motivation is making profit. Google, Facebook…main motivation is spying, data theft, and manipulating public opinion to fit their masters’ agenda.

Will BAIDU give Africans the chance to access the thousands of hidden, shadow banned African websites?

Currently, the Western Search Engines have ganged up and blocked thousands of African websites because these websites provide information about AFRICAN issues that certain non-African actors believe Africans shouldn’t know about.

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