Farouk Kibet Should be Investigated

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Farouk Kibet Should be Investigated

Post by xtyrt5 » Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:05 am

Farouk Kibet was first sighted in Kenya when he was already in his mid-twenties. Where was he living before?

Farouk Kibet is said to be very secretive. He is said to be mysterious. He does not speak about his past or his family. Even the people who work with him, when asked about him, their standard answer is “No comment”.

When people who are supposed to know him well are asked to say what is good about him, they answer “No comment”.

Some people claim that the name Farouk Kibet was a red herring, that his real name is Benjamin Kipkazi.

Farouk is variously described as Deputy President William Ruto's personal assistant, aide or right hand man.
Farouk Teigut Kibet has called the shots around the DP over the past four years, determining the fate of those seeking to get access to the Deputy President, William Ruto, at his Harambee House Annex office, in Karen and elsewhere…

The Deputy President’s right hand man hit newspaper headlines for allegedly receiving money from a suspect in the National Youth Service (NYS) Sh 791 million scandal. The powerful Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee toyed for a while with the thought of summoning him for interrogation on the NYS saga before dropping the idea altogether…

Farouk was also among a number of Kenyans who were mentioned by the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, for alleged involvement in the 2007 post elections violence. Bensouda claimed that Farouk stormed the Eldoret Police Station, at the height of the violence. She also accused him of tampering with ICC witnesses in the debacle that was the case against the DP at The Hague.

https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/kenya/a ... d-the-mask
How is a person as suspicious as Farouk Kibet allowed to occupy such a sensitive position? Doesn’t this endanger Kenya National Security?

Is there any Kenyan who can state, under oath, that he saw Farouk Kibet, when he - Farouk Kibet - was 6 years old?

Is there any Kenyan who can state, under oath, that he saw Farouk Kibet, when he - Farouk Kibet - was 7 years old?

Is there any Kenyan who can state, under oath, that he saw Farouk Kibet, when he - Farouk Kibet - was 16 years old?

Is there any Kenyan who can state, under oath, that he saw Farouk Kibet, when he - Farouk Kibet - was 17 years old?

Emurua Dikirr MP Johanna Ng'eno

Last weekend, Emurua Dikirr MP Johanna Ng'eno was invited to a thanksgiving ceremony in honour of a young man who had just been employed as a prison warder. And what did the honourable MP do?

He engaged in hate speech. He insulted the young man’s employer. Who does that?
Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji on Tuesday approved hate speech charges against Emurua Dikirr Member of Parliament Johanna Ng’eno under the Cohesion and Integration Act.

https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/news/2020/0 ... nna-ngeno/
Did Ng'eno make the hate speech on behalf of Farouk Kibet? Does Ng'eno and Farouk have some secret association that even DP Ruto does not know about?

In the past one week, there has been several politicians in the Rift Valley who have made what appears to be well-coordinated hate speeches.

These politicians appear to be acting under direction of Farouk Kibet.

Is Farouk Kibet acting on behalf of powerful foreign interests? Considering Farouk’s involvement in 2007/2008 post-election violence, this is an extremely serious matter.

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Farouk Kibet Should be Investigated

Post by xtyrt5 » Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:36 am


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Farouk Kibet Should be Investigated

Post by xtyrt5 » Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:53 am

Is Farouk Kibet a Mossad-Kenyan?

If the answer to the question above is YES, then it explains a lot of events that have happened in Kenya in the last 20 years, that have been inexplicable.
farouk_teigut_kibet.jpg (36.41 KiB) Viewed 5717 times

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Farouk Kibet Should be Investigated

Post by xtyrt5 » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:35 pm

From now onwards, I will assume that Farouk Kibet is a Mossad agent. This means that:

(a) He was not born in Kenya (not impossible for a Mossad agent to be born in Kenya, but you get my point);

(b) His birth certificate is fake. Therefore, his Kenyan ID and passport are also fake.

(c) Since, obviously, Farouk does not have a visa allowing him to be in Kenya, he is living in Kenya illegally.

If Mossad managed to embed their agent to such a high profile person - the Deputy President of Kenya, William Ruto - then, naturally, they have made sure there are other Mossad agents around the DP to give him - Farouk - support.

(Note: Farouk was embedded to Ruto almost 20 years ago, long before the latter became DP)

It is safe to assume that Farouk has managed to have between 10-20 other Mossad agents embedded into “Team Ruto”, some working in his homes, offices etc.

It is also safe to assume that, all information Ruto receives, and all information he sends, passes through Mossad. No wonder Kenya politics has been so chaotic for so many years now.

Pro-Ruto bloggers are fend secret GoK information by Mossad - that is MANIPULATED to fit Mossad agenda - though they (bloggers) most likely believe the information they receive is from GoK supporters working in government.

No wonder Pro-Ruto bloggers are always so restless and unsettled. That is a common Mossad tactic - to keep the people they are manipulating busy always, so that they don’t pause to think, and ask themselves, “wait a minute, could someone be manipulating me?”

National Security

It is in the interest of every Kenyan, including DP Ruto, that every person working for him is investigated, to confirm whether they are foreign spies or not.

What if these spies embedded into Ruto are ordered to harm him, so the government can be blamed? This vetting exercise should be undertaken urgently, before it is too late.

Kenya security services are stretched beyond limit. However, the country doesn’t have a choice.

Same vetting exercise should be extended to people working for other prominent persons identified already as Mossad-Kenyans.

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Farouk Kibet - The CONQUEROR of Kenya

Post by xtyrt5 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:41 am

1. Question: How can Farouk Kibet be foreign-born, and a spy, yet his late father Paul Teigut was a Kenyan? Mzee Teigut was a real person. He died recently, and his funeral was attended by who-is-who among Kenya political elite, including the Deputy President William Ruto.

Answer: Only 2 people ever saw Farouk Kibet anywhere in Kenya, when he was less than 20 years old - Farouk himself, and Mzee Teigut (may he RIP).

2. Why would a company that is worth $1 trillion block websites that say Farouk Kibet is not who he says he is? Why would a company that is many times richer than Kenya be so concerned about the son of a Kenyan peasant?

3. People around DP Ruto state openly that Farouk Kibet is the person closest to Ruto, outside of Ruto’s family. Farouk is the person who stands between Ruto and the rest of the world.

Therefore, if Farouk told Ruto: “Kirgit, 5 senior police officers met yesterday at Serena hotel to plan your assassination…” Ruto would believe it 100%.

No wonder, not too long ago, DP Ruto cried, saying that some people had hatched a plan to kill him. He said that he had “left the matter to God”.

It is very likely that Farouk Kibet laughed his head off that night.

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Farouk Kibet Should be Investigated

Post by xtyrt5 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:16 pm

NOTE: Get PDF version of this story here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1/ && https://kenyaiforum.co.ke/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1/

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Farouk Kibet Should be Investigated

Post by xtyrt5 » Sun Sep 20, 2020 10:12 am

There are many articles online stating that Farouk Kibet is not who he says he is. However, Search Engines are BLOCKING them from the public. Some of them are here: https://semaukweli.wordpress.com/2020/0 ... ast-stand/ and on PDF here https://semaukweli.files.wordpress.com/ ... -stand.pdf

Some of the online posts are about 1-2 weeks old now. However, the blog post above is 2 days old.

I did a search of “Farouk Kibet’s Last Stand” & “Farouk Kibet Last Stand” using Google, Bing, Yahoo & Duckduckgo.com and all had ZERO results.

Using the same search engines, I searched for recent articles about “Farouk Kibet”. NONE showed any article talking about recent revelations about him.

CONCLUSION: Farouk is definitely a Mossad-Kenyan. No Kenyan, or even African person can compel the search engines above to hide results about him/her.

NB: The way this Farouk case is developing, they might decide to kick me out of the internet completely. Therefore, make sure you download the PDF of this story from the above link, or below.

NOTE: Get PDF version of this story here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1/ && https://kenyaiforum.co.ke/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1/

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